Example sentences of "exists [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Controversy exists about the relative importance of pancreatic β cell dysfunction and impaired insulin sensitivity in the genesis of impaired glucose tolerance and non-insulin dependent diabetes .
2 Yet no doubt exists about the different approach of the two kings to the conflict with France .
3 However , disagreement exists about the role of serotonin reuptake inhibitors in treating major depression .
4 Failure to recognize and to allow for this may explain why , even after nine years of Thatcherite ‘ political clout ’ , doubt still exists about the extent of real cultural change within Whitehall and whether ‘ lasting reforms ’ have , or ever will be , achieved .
5 Nothing is known about the first 7 years of this person 's life , and whilst only scattered information exists about the middle span , we know that only at the age 42 did the Earth begin to flower .
6 The terms are harsher in the more popular arts , but the tendency exists through the whole range .
7 ‘ We had to show that the Regional Council could organise its affairs to ensure a more local system than currently exists through the regions and districts , ’ said Convenor Eric Milligan .
8 Corporate manslaughter charges were almost unknown in English law before the DPP decided last June to issue manslaughter summonses against P&O European Ferries after the Zeebrugge disaster and there are still no firm judicial rulings on whether corporate manslaughter exists as a crime .
9 Yet Labour has a bigger vested interest in there being a European Parliament which — during the transition to a more federal union — co-legislates with the Council , rather than exists as a largely powerless consultative assembly .
10 But it hardly exists as a nation in a recognisable sense .
11 Its British visitors are discriminating people who relish the solid comfort of a prosperous southern French town , where regional bourgeois cooking exists as a living celebration going back into antiquity .
12 The Soil Association exists as a standards body for much of the organically produced food in the UK .
13 We shall see that since 1 January 1926 the only one of these three forms of co-ownership which exists as a legal estate is joint tenancy ( see p. 87 ) ; but that both coparcenary and tenancy in common exist as equitable estates .
14 But a distaste for gossip should not be construed as a total reluctance to express the truth about another person 's behaviour when no possible alternative exists as a way of defending myself .
15 ‘ But a distaste for gossip' , he read , glinting with agreement , ‘ should not be construed as a total reluctance to express the truth about another person 's behaviour when no possible alternative exists as a way of defending myself .
16 the bureaucratic-professional dimension exists as a variable for organisational structure within organisations as well as between organisations .
17 He argues that petty commodity production exists as a subordinate form in all modes of production , but thrives particularly in the transition from feudalism to capitalism .
18 It exists as a single manuscript , probably dating from 1245 .
19 But they seem to carry the implication that society exists as a fixed structure , with slots into which school-leavers ( or university-leavers ) must be fitted .
20 Robert Romanyshyn 's central thesis is that psychological life is not part of the material world or of an inner subjectivity separate from that world but exists as a form of mediation between the two .
21 It is the deepest wish of the author , a member of the Wildlife Association of Southern India , that this embargo will become a permanent situation and that a national consciousness will not permit the continued destruction of the Cobra , which performs not only a biologically and environmentally essential function but exists as a symbol of life itself .
22 It appears on Siva temples , the doors of homes , as a decoration on mobile food-stalls , in folk art and on rugs , and exists as a significant design or ‘ yantra ’ at ceremonial occasions , particularly weddings .
23 The freedom of independent initiative only exists as a meaningful notion if there are limits to define it .
24 We acknowledged , of course , that drama also has its own academic integrity and that it exists as a separate GCSE subject in many secondary schools and colleges , outside the National Curriculum .
25 The club exists as a reinforcement for all the work already being done by the RFU youth development team , the counties , the rugby clubs and schools .
26 Primarily the Catholic Voice exists as a means of communication within the Diocese of Lancaster .
27 A database also exists as a national resource of innovative practice and ideas .
28 The basic requirements of the rule of law , therefore , are merely that a system of law , understood as lex , exists as a result of the establishment of legislative , executive and judicial offices .
29 Hypnosis is akin to being in love in that the same sapping of the subject 's initiative takes place , even more so as there is no possibility of sexual satisfaction , which exists as a possibility even in unrequited love relationships .
30 And while work and study in all disciplines can range from the routinely normal through the critical and reflexive to the philosophical , philosophy exists as a distinct field of concerns .
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