Example sentences of "[unc] commitment to the [noun] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously Christian Aid 's commitment to the course is more than financial ; we hope it can be a major contribution to thinking about development within the churches .
2 Is that not the best possible example of how the Government 's commitment to the NHS is working ?
3 The issue of the strength of the Government 's commitment to the process is not one to be kept until 1996 or 1998 , but must be faced by the Government now — not with devices to mollify the rival factions in the Conservative party , but with a determination to promote the opportunities for , and the living and working standards of , the people of this country .
4 The Conservative Party 's commitment to the environment is beyond doubt .
5 Further evidence of Volvo 's commitment to the environment is the CFC-free 850 and the use of life-cycle analysis to assess overall environmental impact .
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