Example sentences of "[modal v] to come [prep] the [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 He was very friendly with erm who was in charge of the Extra Mural Board and erm then possibly because of this connection erm we were asked by the erm Ministry of Defence to provide lectures and courses for erm units of H M Forces stationed in the area and erm so a panel of lecturers was erm formed and erm they used to go out , the , the units used to have their own Education Officers , usually a sergeant or perhaps a second lieutenant and erm they used to come into the office and say that they 'd like somebody to go out to their Searchlight Unit or A A Unit stationed somewhere out in the sticks and er lecture on this that or the other and erm we were supposed to try and fix them up and erm the panel erm , it had quite a number of erm people on it that erm , I ca n't remember who they all were , I know that erm you 'd hardly believe this but there was a chap named Mr and another chap named Mr
2 Some of them used to come to the Accademia and to me they 're still welcome if they want to come and speak .
3 I know , I know Brian would n't at least three but , and this , and this was n't really big enough and they use two side by side , whenever they were late or away for a weekend I took over and see to the cats feed , they were sweet erm used to come on the porch and meow at me , it 's my dinner time , come on , just get not time yet , used to come to the porch , and tell me , they used to know when I was n't coming home , how do they do it ?
4 I found this out at Dagenham , when I worked at Fords , the supply lorries used to come through the day and through the night with articles made in other factories , including bodies and wheels and these were put on the assembly line and routed through Fords to be assembled .
5 When that gone down they used to splash cos that used to come underneath the buckets and our cabin hatchway was facing that and many a time that 'd come right down the cabin , the mud .
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