Example sentences of "[modal v] see [conj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Children should see that from the way I act , not from what I tell them to think ’ .
2 Here is a diagram that shows the locations and you 'll see that on the A sixty one , we have three er permanent traffic counters recording traffic flows .
3 The bar was full , I could see that through the saloon window and I went round to the yard at the rear .
4 Any fool could see that with the ledgers and papers destroyed there was nothing to substantiate any misdealings with the accounts .
5 On his way he passed the main drive , and he could see that at the end of it the gates were open .
6 I could see that from the way his knuckles whitened around the telephone .
7 Sun flower limping , water less vase , suffering eyes , desperados in caged , so from , from that painting I had a tremendous feel of something undergoing tremendous suffering and seem very desperate about the situation , and I did n't just see that in , in the picture of Van Gogh , but I could see that in the sun flower , so as , as a writer its images like that , that I would look for and open up and turn into characters or a way of portraying a particular mood , erm , the next one , were doing very well
8 As they rounded the edge of the building , he could see that behind the house was a vast garden .
9 We are delighted that 90% of you say that you like the magazine , and you will see that on the strength of that we have followed a similar kind of format : a mixture of news about the University and articles by alumni .
10 Specifically in Highways and Planning , if you look at the previous report , the enclos following profile one , you will see that in the Highways Planning Department excepting the offices , it is almost entirely male , and I think this is , it 's for the Director of Highways and Planning to say in the end , I think this is an acknowledgement by him that in the way that you mentioned nevertheless it seems to be apparent in some way , shape or form , women are not getting equal opportunity in that department .
11 Putting these answers together we can see that at the heart of fundamentalism is a longing for a faith which is secure , tangible , successful , simple .
12 And , although he does n't say so , you can see that at the back of his mind , there 's an idea brewing in Andy McDonald .
13 David , just looking at your situation , I know you 're er , a young chap and you have a young family , and we 've er , discussing your existing circumstances and I can see that at the moment er , funds in the family budget are a little bit tight .
14 One can see that by the way he 's behaving now .
15 Here , then , is the connection with Alice and the Red Queen , but you can see that in the case of the trees it is not really paradoxical .
16 You can see that in the faces of those who do it for positive reasons unconnected with ego .
17 We are enormously fortunate as our Chairman said in his video presentation , erm , to have such devoted , loyal and committed staff , and I think you can see that in the quality of the work which comes out of N C V O and the way in which it it moves forward , always , sort of , going towards er er taking with it the members .
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