Example sentences of "[modal v] be dealing with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I would be grateful if you could inform me of the person in your department who would be dealing with the register of Wildlife Sites .
2 First of all nursery schools would be dealing with the County Council on a different basis from the vast of , of the schools population and that will give rise to anomalies and complications which would be undesirous and secondly there might be problems particularly if they are considering expanding nursery provision between nursery schools and nursery classes in primary schools .
3 My right hon. and learned Friend the Solicitor-General will be dealing with the question of contempt .
4 Much of this work will be discussed in Chapter 8 when we will be dealing with the way in which the British state has handled the economy .
5 An encouraging development is that the opportunity has been given for a submission to be made in early autumn on behalf of the preserved railway movement to the House of Commons Select Committee which will be dealing with the Government 's privatisation proposals .
6 5.2 Rule 15(a) — Information as to who has conduct of the case The client needs to know who within the solicitors ' office will be dealing with the claim and , if more than one person , who those people are .
7 The latest Brick Development Association Symposium will be dealing with the effect these issues will have on the way we use brickwork , courtesy of the most informed and informative speakers in the country .
8 The complaint is really a litany of er a whole host of the old grievances there that we have heard several times er before and we will be dealing with the matter in the proper place through our U S council in the U S courts , in terms of er suggestions that it is that it surrounds the question er of monopoly we certainly er do not accept that thirty eight percent of slots at Heathrow in any way constitutes a monopoly it certainly does not .
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