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1 Certain of the concepts described in the body of this Guidance Document may not be applicable and proposals should be discussed in the initial stages with officers to the Greater London Council 's Building Regulation Division .
2 Some of the most important fossils are extremely tiny : these will be discussed in a later chapter , and what follows is concerned with the forms that can be recognized from hand specimens .
3 These turbulent masses of superheated gases and incandescent solid particles present some fascinating problems to vulcanologists , which will be discussed in a later chapter .
4 Ruskin ( who will be discussed in a later chapter ) also wrote his autobiography in old age , and without our knowledge of his life from other sources we should have a distorted picture of his childhood , and should know nothing at all about his marriage .
5 The large question of the limits upon royal power will be discussed in a later chapter , but it can be said now that , although the Crown put pressure upon both Houses , they were capable of obstinacy and independence .
6 This idea of type section for a particular stratigraphical division will be discussed in a later chapter ; all I must say here is that no type section known to me can possibly pretend to be representative of a whole unit of the stratigraphical column , however small .
7 Totem and Taboo then becomes somewhat easier to understand and will be discussed in the second part of the present chapter .
8 Indeed , instead of starting from the misleading contrast between ‘ material ’ and ‘ cultural ’ , we have to define two areas for analysis : first , the relations between these material means and the social forms within which they are used ( this is of course a general problem in social analysis , but the discussion is limited , here , to cultural means and forms ) ; and , second , the relations between these material means and social forms and the specific ( artistic ) forms which are a manifest cultural production ( these will be discussed in the succeeding chapters ) .
9 Examples of these applications ( speech , script and text recognition systems ) will be discussed in the following sections .
10 Government expenditure also encourages consumption and hence economic growth even though they may also have detrimental effects if they exceed certain high levels — a claim that will be discussed in the following chapter .
11 As a number of alternatives to and criticisms of Saussure 's theory will be discussed in the following chapters , 1 shall only mention here some of its positive implications for the study of literature .
12 As will be discussed in the following chapter there is evidence that in some circumstances arousal may in fact impair or systematically bias memory .
13 Given this view of representation as activity , the discussion about what lexical and phonological knowledge TRACE II uses , will be discussed in the following section which deals with how such knowledge is used .
14 ( Protection is not its only value , of course — others will be discussed in the final chapter ) .
15 The events in Beijing during early June 1989 may have changed this situation in a number of important ways , as will be discussed in the final chapter .
16 Moreover , the bare facts about costs , cuts and cash limits need to be seen in the context of the larger ideological debate on the role of welfare which will be discussed in the final chapter on problems of policy in the social services .
17 It is probable that both will be discussed in the forthcoming conference on environment and development to be held in 1992 in Brazil .
18 There are at least three ways ( others will be discussed in the next chapter ) in which an authority acting correctly may make a difference to what its subjects ought to do , which are all consistent with the dependence thesis .
19 Both ideas will be discussed in the next section .
20 The next layer of the tree integrates major areas like geomancy , which will be discussed in the next chapter .
21 The potential benefits of this will be discussed in the next chapter .
22 The extent to which the Consumer Credit Regulations for Advertisements , Quotations and Total Charge for Credit can be expected to help will be discussed in the next two chapters .
23 After the papal decree of 1099 , which will be discussed in the next chapter , Eadmer tried to suppress the fact of Anselm 's homage .
24 Chesney Wold , as an older house , is close to the village church ; but this proximity to one 's neighbours came to be regarded as undesirable by the fashionable in the eighteenth century and Regency , due largely to the fashion for ‘ emparkment ’ which will be discussed in the next chapter .
25 For example , Adorno 's Frankfurt School colleague , Walter Benjamin , put forward a more optimistic view of the potentials of the productive forces within advanced capitalism ; this will be discussed in the next chapter .
26 His fiery Sack of Troy ( fig. 101 ) will be discussed in the next section ( p. 76 ) , together with a rendering of the same scene in rather different mood ( fig. 102 ) by one of the greatest pot-painters , the Kleophrades Painter , in connection with Pausanias 's description of a wall painting by Polygnotos of Troy Taken .
27 These will be discussed in the next chapter ( below , pp. 118ff. , 126ff . ) .
28 These skills are fundamental to writing a good historical essay and will be discussed in the next three sections .
29 Of the Latin church music of Jacques Mauduit ( 1557–1627 ) , a Catholic , little survives except the end of his Requiem for Ronsard ( 1586 ) , an early and probably uncharacteristic work in the peculiar style of musique mesurée à l'antique which will be discussed in the next chapter ( p. 284 ) ; we know that he employed instruments in his annual Holy Week concerts at the Abbaye Saint-Antoine and the St. Cecilia celebrations in Notre Dame .
30 These focal places will be discussed in the next chapter .
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