Example sentences of "[modal v] be associated [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The same is true of interludes : they must be associated with the rest of the music .
2 Option 2.8.1 , View One DC , enables the user to view the details of a specific DC , However the user must be associated with the DC or an interested user ( i.e. the manager of any modules on the DC or the manager of packages containing one or more of these modules ) or , if applicable , the nominated approver of the package via which the DC has been activated .
3 The results suggest that pancreatic PLA2 circulates mostly as inactive enzyme in patients with acute pancreatitis whereas synovial type PLA2 is responsible for the increased catalytic activity of the enzyme and thus might be associated with the pathophysiology of the disease .
4 The possible phonemic function of each allophonic description found by HWIM 's Acoustic Phonetic Recognizer was scored by looking up in a long term confusion matrix the vector of 71 phoneme labels that could be associated with the segment 's feature description .
5 Speaking of the maximum number of jobs of 21,000 that could be associated with the Ove Arup proposal , British Rail says that these jobs would largely represent a redistribution of economic activity in Kent and London rather than the creation of new economic activity .
6 Thus , the loss of [ h ] could be associated with the contact situation in general , regardless of the specific properties of the contact languages .
7 Evans had also provided a note of some cases from other countries where crimes of violence could be associated with the playing of such games .
8 These results suggest that the loss of intercellular communication mediated by gap junctions may be associated with the recurrence of gastric ulcers .
9 These changes may be associated with the intensification of the Aleutian Low , a major meteorological system which dominates the weather of the North Pacific region .
10 When performers in this industry , such as the Beatles , started composing their own songs — sometimes writing them , more often producing them directly , using oral , experimental , collective methods — another significant move had been made ; and a second phase in this process may be associated with the advent of relatively cheap , accessible electronic equipment ( synthesizers , mixers , rhythm and effects boxes of various sorts ) , which enable ‘ amateurs ’ to produce music without playing instruments at all in the traditional sense .
11 The ‘ shape-changing ’ qualities of the Queen of the Night may be associated with the moon , which waxes from dark to full and declines again .
12 A wide range of quite different impacts may be associated with the manufacture and use of a given product .
13 certificate , which falsely stated the car 's approxi-mate age , were shown by a car dealer to a potential buyer of the car , that false statement would be associated with the sale or supply of the car and the car dealer could be guilty , R. v. Coventry City Justices , ex. p .
14 Although the conceptual foundations of the challenge to the old order were different , transcendental anatomy raised issues that would be associated with the theory of evolution through into the era of Darwinism .
15 A secretary will be associated with the Coulson Chair .
16 Where blame can be associated with the conduct , or where unco-operativeness ( itself a blameworthy matter ) on the part of the offender can be inferred , the response is also likely to be punitive .
17 If professional development is understood in terms of increased professionality then clearly it can be associated with the goal of increasing teacher effectiveness .
18 The exercise of discretion in decision making can be associated with the use of judgement .
19 In recent years it has become clear that certain tumour derived cell lines can be associated with the production of gut peptides , and that some of these peptides are mitogenic to the same cells .
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