Example sentences of "[modal v] be provided by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An estimate for repairs should be provided by the Claimant .
2 Yeah , but they 're not , the whole idea is that they 're not , they do n't wan na ask , they 're not prepared to ask it 's not right It should be provided by the school they 've been against that whole thing .
3 If assistance was needed it should be provided by the courts themselves , by Citizens Advice Bureaux or by similar agencies .
4 Others think the ‘ elitist ’ element should be provided by the establishment of graduate schools as in the American system , much admired in Germany , by which the high flyers can continue their specialised research training after fairly general and not too demanding first degrees .
5 My understanding of the meaning of the requirement that ‘ consideration must move from the promisee ’ is that such consideration must be provided by the promisee , or arise out of his contractual relationship with the promisor .
6 They consist of a complete system but without specific knowledge from the area of expertise , which must be provided by the user .
7 NB : Swimwear and an old pair of trainers are essential and must be provided by the individuals .
8 There is a role for the professional accountant here : dealing with complex data — some scientific and some financial — in a fair manner drawing on the sort of guidance that , in time , could be provided by the ASB and the APB .
9 In country districts with no mains supply , a pressurized service may be provided by the installation of a large tank elevated above the buildings of the mill .
10 One of the two main instruments , a germanium spectrometer , would be provided by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) , which has also been asked to make available data-receiving facilities at two ground stations .
11 Thus the guidance given to governors by DES Circular 11/87 that , although it is expected that at least some sex education would be provided by the school , they have freedom to decide whether or not sex education should be offered should now be revised .
12 We also agreed that erm performance assessment reports in the future would be provided by the chair and finance after considering the recommendations of the chairman of the recreation ground committee and the clerk .
13 Evidence of ( a ) and ( b ) would be provided by the holding of a recognised qualification or by appropriate experience .
14 This mode of study was too time-consuming to be suited to the part-time student and it had to be assumed that these benefits would be provided by the employer and the real-life work situation .
15 Others realized that it was only a matter of patience to wait for the guaranteed escape which would be provided by the end of the war , and as the war dragged on more and more people became converted to this view .
16 In the meantime however , no caddies would be provided by the Club on the Sabbath .
17 I had understood from previous meetings that additional accommodation requirements for the introduction of Council Tax would be provided by the use of vacant space within Warriston 's Close , space recently vacated by Computer Services .
18 Management information regarding resource deployment and technical achievement against plan , cost generation against budget and programme change implications shall be provided by the Parties to the Project Manager in accordance with formats and timetables approved by the Project Committee and to meet any information requirements of IEATP in connection with the payment of Grant .
19 Candidates will normally be expected to have some postgraduate or teaching experience , although training will be provided by the University 's Centre for Teaching , Learning and Assessment .
20 Full details will be provided by the Personnel Department on request .
21 You will be provided by the Company with equipment and tools necessary for you to do your job .
22 As with Nato , the interlocking lynchpins between these new structures will be provided by the participation or the patronage of the United States and its allies .
23 In practice , that opportunity will be provided by the resit diet in subjects which currently have such a facility .
24 In practice , that opportunity will be provided by the resit diet in subjects which currently have such a facility .
25 But do n't expect it to cost any more by law a midwife must attend your birth and this will be provided by the NHS .
26 Can my right hon. Friend give us an assurance that the additional funds that the United Nations needs to carry out these increased responsibilities will be provided by the members of the United Nations ?
27 The cash to be paid to accepting shareholders will be provided by the bidder 's shareholders and the underwriters according to the purchases they make .
28 Each property will have two bedrooms and 20 new homes will be provided by the housing scheme .
29 The framework for the research and a major tool of analysis will be provided by the Cambridge growth Project macroeconomic model , as maintained by the Institute for Employment Research at Warwick .
30 Tea will be provided by the S.W. London teachers in June .
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