Example sentences of "[modal v] be attribute to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 However , not all blame for an unsatisfactory situation should be attributed to the musicians and their training .
2 In part , the emerging entente must be attributed to the authorities ' move to the right , towards the Kinnockite orthodoxy favoured by Margaret Hodge , the Islington and ALA leader .
3 The linguistic acrobatics these words perform in Rusty 's mind and the various interpretations which might be attributed to the results are of less consequence in and of themselves than the fact that this performance demonstrates verbal operations of a logic other than that attributed to the rational mind .
4 The low usage rates for LGS were disappointing , but could be attributed to the findings of the village case study described above .
5 As priority was given to the undergraduate course in information retrieval during the first year and other conditions remained nearly constant , any changes in the pattern of the use of Chalmers Library during that time could be attributed to the effects of the course of instruction .
6 It revealed a sorry state of affairs in schools which could be attributed to the cuts in educational spending — something that proved embarrassing to the government of the day .
7 To some extent , the demoralisation and poverty of spirit I had encountered could be attributed to the misfortunes of geography ; to the fact that Czechoslovakia had such ruthless neighbours as Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union .
8 These improvements may be attributed to the adjustments , described in Chapter 6 , which BRAC had made to its standard lobon-gur message as a result of the 1984 observations .
9 ‘ There is now not the slightest doubt that a part of the increased number of cancer cases can be attributed to the effects of the many new chemicals present in the environment ’ , he reported .
10 Much of the frantic activity in the share register can be attributed to the arbitrageurs rather than the titans of the motor industry .
11 This paper trail can be attributed to the demands made on electronically stored information by local and national governments , companies , charities , service providers ( e.g. medical staff ) , and individuals .
12 The impact of this approach on physical geography can be attributed to the ways in which these four types of system could rationalize physical geography endeavour , and could catalyse the introduction of new concepts especially concerned with temporal change .
13 With hindsight , this can be attributed to the inadequacies of his principle of inertia and of his lack of a clear conception of gravity as a force .
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