Example sentences of "[modal v] be affect [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Regulations are presently the responsibility of Building Control Officers within local authorities and it is to them that you should apply if you want to do any work which might be affected by the Regulations .
2 There are likely to be plenty of times in the coming months when he 'll want to walk away , because no matter what attitude he starts with , he 'll be affected by the Grendon experience and that can be frightening .
3 County Nat West oil analyst Neil Thomas said that the inquiry 's decision could be affected by the furore surrounding the planned closure of Point of Ayr colliery a short distance from the Connah 's Quay station .
4 But two North Wales MPs estimate that around 150 regular fishermen could be affected by the regulations .
5 Even those who did not have any formal law-enforcement responsibility could be affected by the campaign against Dissent .
6 In relation to ( e ) , the Consortium needs to know how many IDO claims have already been validated and how many are outstanding that could be affected by the outcome of the Carmel case .
7 For example , the demand for one product may be affected for the demand for another product , e.g. butter and margarine .
8 Much will depend upon the language ability , the intellectual and life experience of the young reader , and his or her relationship with the writer : ‘ The readability of the text may be affected by the degree of correspondence between the experience and thoughts recorded in the text and the experiences and thoughts of a reader ’ ( Gilliland , 1972 , p.68 ) .
9 There is a strong tendency to belittle or ignore sexual activity in old age , but the feelings of carers may be affected by the degree of frustration experienced in that aspect of life .
10 In international procedural terms this required level of intensity is , at least theoretically , satisfied when a State considers it has ‘ an interest of a legal nature that may be affected by the decision in the case … ‘ , while in treaty law the emphasis is on rights and obligations .
11 Please return one copy of the drawing marked up to show details of the position and approximate depths of any of your proposed or existing services which may be affected by the Works .
12 This means that all users who may be affected by the SPR are notified of its existence via the Mail System , and that a particular user is nominated to respond to the SPR and informed of this responsibility via the Mail System .
13 Typically , the users who may be affected by the SPR are the managers of :
14 Its state is transitioned from CREATED to OUTSTANDING and all users who may be affected by the SPR are informed , via the Mail System , of its existence .
15 Thus one starts with an indication that more than one person may be affected by the problem , and that there may have been a crisis or trigger-event leading to a referral for assistance at this point .
16 Problems exist in water-logged areas where the soil gas may be affected by the decomposition of organic material .
17 The nature of the genes is unaffected by their participation in bodily development , but their likelihood of being passed on may be affected by the success of the body that they helped to create .
18 Heavy , masonry fire resisting walls should be free from the possibility that their stability may be affected by the behaviour of other structural members .
19 The aim of this thesis is to explore the memories that drivers have for everyday driving situations and to decide how such memories may be affected by the feelings of risk they experienced in the situation .
20 On their part , policemen may be affected by the expectations of their superiors .
21 Productivity may be affected by the dynamics of changing social relations at work .
22 Sometimes the reaction to a share exchange offer may be affected by the offeror 's conduct during the takeover battle .
23 Absent notice or agency whereby a creditor may be affected by the debtor husband 's improprieties towards his wife , the surety , the creditor is not concerned with what has passed between debtor and surety and need not concern itself with whether or not the surety understands the transaction , notwithstanding the relationship between the surety and the debtor and the creditor 's knowledge of it .
24 The theory of State responsibility may ensure the independence of the State in presenting its claims , but this should not obscure the fact that entities other than States have interests that may be affected by the outcome of the proceedings , and that the present process of international litigation , with few exceptions , pays no regard to them .
25 ‘ Any person who feels that he may be affected by the suspension should contact their local office . ’
26 Unions claimed that over 90,000 registered disabled people would be affected by the plan to limit disability benefit , after an initial six years on a salary-related scale , to 70 per cent of the national minimum wage .
27 Most of that land had been allocated to those with forest grazing rights , whose method of running stock would be affected by the enclosures .
28 Er the County Council did not use the erm calculation of need which would be affected by the proposition you 've just put forward based on land-take , past land-take .
29 Including a review of material already published about women and philosophy , she distinguishes between female , feminine and feminist points of view , and then , focusing on the first of these , she considers how philosophy could or would be affected by the inclusion of more women in its institutional structures .
30 To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many non-pensioners with annual gross incomes below £10,000 a year would be affected by the imposition of national insurance contributions on income from savings in excess of £3,000 a year .
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