Example sentences of "[modal v] be prepared [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We in the west should be prepared to act in concert to impose sanctions , and to patrol the coast and the skies while a full conference to determine the relationship between the former Yugoslav territories is convened .
2 On this occasion , because of the unique nature of the measure , we should be prepared to consider in Committee changing the way in which we deal with statutory instruments , enabling us to give them more adequate scrutiny .
3 I do agree with Mr. Findlay that the public should be prepared to pay for access to private land .
4 If the allied powers could agree on procedure , then the United States should be prepared to advance with negotiations .
5 The first prize-winner should be prepared to travel to Kiawah Island at one month 's notice .
6 Solicitors must be prepared to deal with instructions given just before the limitation period expires ( see Chapter 13.7 ) .
7 If we wish seriously to enhance such process rights , then we must be prepared to listen to claims that the agency did not give adequate consideration to certain views .
8 But both are things we must be prepared to do on occasion , and both are preferable to staying at home and watching a lot of odious rubbish on television .
9 We want to know whether you 'd be prepared to go to England . ’
10 She laughed and added : ‘ It 's a sacrifice I 'd be prepared to make for Midge 's sake . ’
11 Some local authorities have unlettable , poor standard or high-rise property considered unsuitable for family households , which they may be prepared to let to students .
12 In the past year he had been restraining the army and trying for a political settlement ; and there have been signs that Tamil extremists may be prepared to talk about autonomy rather than secession .
13 Some children may be prepared to chew on finger foods like toast or biscuits but a lump in a spoonful of food that they expect to be mushy can upset them .
14 Identify and train staff from a wide range of backgrounds and ages who would be prepared to participate in recruitment activities .
15 ‘ You did n't think it strange that he would be prepared to go to Marseilles to deliver these engine parts ?
16 She would be prepared to go into schools and talk to young people about violence and the danger of carrying knives .
17 Nevertheless , despite the fact that a National Government led by MacDonald was the preferred choice of at most one of the three party leaders , the King now knew that both Baldwin and Samuel would be prepared to serve under MacDonald , were the latter willing to continue as Prime Minister .
18 Though Old Red had looked at me so keenly , I would be prepared to swear on oath that he had not seen me at all .
19 If you have an item or items that you would be prepared to loan for display , please get in touch with us .
20 Compact should make it easier for all teachers from Compact schools to meet people from industry who would be prepared to share in curriculum development .
21 Yet at 1130 hrs that morning a Corps Commander 's Conference had been held at 5 Corps HQ [ Kp 217 ] at which one of the main topics discussed had been " the Evacuation of the Cossacks to the Russians " and under this heading the decision had been taken that : " Divs will be prepared to shoot at Cossacks to enforce the evacuation plan . "
22 The higher the rates of interest on other assets , the lower will be the price that people will be prepared to pay for bills ( and hence the higher their rate of discount ) .
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