Example sentences of "[modal v] be [verb] by the directors " in BNC.

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1 The annual accounts must be approved by the directors and signed on behalf of the board by a director .
2 to offer to the holders of ordinary shares of £1 each in the capital of the Company ( ‘ Ordinary Shares ’ ) the right to elect to receive an allotment of new Ordinary Shares , credited as fully paid , in lieu of all or part of the final cash dividend in respect of the financial year of the Company ended on 31st March 1993 in all respects in such manner as may be determined by the directors on the basis and subject to the conditions of the circular dated 21st June 1993 sent to the members of the Company by the Company and , in particular , such that the aggregate nominal value of the new Ordinary Shares which such holders may elect to receive may exceed the aggregate cash dividend which they would otherwise be entitled to receive ; and
3 ( 2 ) The Company may require a member to furnish any information , document or other matter which the Directors may think necessary for the purpose of enabling the Company to comply with the Rules and the member shall furnish the information , document or other matter required within such period as may be determined by the Directors .
4 Failing such information or evidence being furnished the Directors may give the person from whom the information or evidence required notice that , if the information or evidence in question is not furnished within such periods as may be determined by the Directors and stated in the notice , the Directors may refuse to register the transfer in question or ( in case no transfer is in question ) may require that a Transfer Notice be given in respect of the Shares concerned .
5 ( 2 ) The Company may require a member to furnish any information , document or other matter which the Directors may think necessary for the purpose of enabling the Company to comply with the Rules and the member shall furnish the information , document or other matter required within such period as may be determined by the Directors .
6 Failing such information or evidence being furnished the Directors may give the person from whom the information or evidence required notice that , if the information or evidence in question is not furnished within such periods as may be determined by the Directors and stated in the notice , the Directors may refuse to register the transfer in question or ( in case no transfer is in question ) may require that a Transfer Notice be given in respect of the Shares concerned .
7 The Rules of the Executive Scheme may be amended by the Directors in any respect provided that :
8 Invitations to apply for options may be issued by the Directors during the six weeks following :
9 no right to dividends other than those which may be recommended by the directors ;
10 An extraordinary general meeting ( EGM ) may be convened by the directors if some business of special importance has arisen that warrants a meeting of members , or upon the request of members holding 10 per cent of the voting power of a general meeting .
11 However , of much more concern to Blythen Jenkins , head of corporate affairs with the IoD , is the tendency ‘ in all legislation where the liability of the company is involved , such as environmental or consumer protection , to have a little paragraph in it saying liability shall be assumed by the directors and officers of the company ’ .
12 The price at which a participant may acquire ordinary shares in the Company ( ‘ shares ’ ) on the exercise of an option shall be determined by the Directors but shall not be less than the middle market quotation of a share as derived from the London Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the last dealing day before eligible employees are invited to apply for options ( or , if higher , the nominal value of a share ) , or , if certain specified conditions are satisfied , 85% of such figure ( ‘ Discounted Options ’ ) .
13 Provisions for obsolete and slow moving stock will be determined by the directors based on physical and recorded stock levels but the presence or not of a part number on an item of stock or the recording or not of the item on the stock records will not of itself be any be any form of guide as to obsolescence .
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