Example sentences of "[modal v] be [verb] in [art] light " in BNC.

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1 Practices should be re-examined in the light of consumer awareness .
2 Longer term aims may not require to be re-stated after just one year 's experience — numerous changes of direction will only serve to confuse , but they should be re-examined in the light of progress in attaining short term targets and the development plan should be altered accordingly .
3 But those preparing standard assessment tasks and other assessment instruments should consider them so as to minimise bias in the task or context and guard against any preconceptions of assessors ; and any comparison of results between single-sex schools or between those with different ethnic or social class populations should be made in the light of the evidence referred to above .
4 It is a decision that should be made in the light of medical advice and counselling .
5 Examination schedules for each product and/or package should be determined in the light of what is appropriate in each instance .
6 Rather thin trying to explain the capitalist state as an outcome of the actions of individual and collective subjects , Poulantzas argues that it should be seen in the light of a general view of social structures , classes , and their relations .
7 Less than a third agreed they came by their fees easily , while half felt they made a positive effort to support and understand clients and 59 per cent that they respond very positively to requests for help and advice ( although these two groups of responses should be seen in the light of that ‘ distress purchase ’ attitude , where lawyers are unlikely to be negative when a client suddenly calls up offering business ) .
8 The claim to competence in carrying out school evaluation made by four fifths of Oxfordshire teachers should be seen in the light of these limited strategies , espoused also by four-fifths of them .
9 That should be decided in the light of the school 's priorities agreed by all the governors .
10 After an aircraft type has been established in service for some years , a searching ‘ mid-life ’ review should be carried out by the manufacturer to the satisfaction of the certification authority when all aspects of the aircraft 's structural performance should be studied in the light of fleet service experience and current design knowledge .
11 By the end of the nineteenth century , then , there was a strong feeling that religion , like everything else , should be studied in the light of science .
12 Only on the question of how assessment results should be presented in the light of socio-economic circumstances did the report lack credibility .
13 The success of floating should be judged in the light of the fact that it has usually operated under unfavourable circumstances , and thus the concerted adoption of floating exchange rates in more stable circumstances might well yield different results and evaluation .
14 Our behaviour therefore may seem inconsistent and irrational , but should be considered in the light of our sharing with all living organisms a finite planet .
15 On the contrary , the propriety of requiring such an undertaking from the Crown should be considered in the light of the particular circumstances of the case .
16 The text of the warranties should be considered in the light of every case .
17 The proportion of conventional medical treatment that is unproved is large : more than half the forms of care offered in pregnancy and childbirth were judged to have ‘ unknown effects which require further evaluation ’ ( 31% ) or ‘ should be abandoned in the light of available evidence ’ ( 21% ) .
18 It must not be followed rigidly but should be modified in the light of information that becomes available as the test progresses .
19 Patients with chronic hepatitis C should be counselled in the light of our current understanding .
20 The expectation that the new borrowings will be available , if required , must have existed at the balance sheet date and this expectation should be reviewed in the light of any post balance sheet events to ensure it remains reasonable on the date the financial statements are approved by the directors .
21 Lynch says the church 's attitude to sexuality should be reviewed in the light of HIV and AIDS .
22 Whilst some details should be rethought in the light of new technology , its basic ideas still remain sound and must be implemented in any design and manufacturing establishment .
23 A number of standard abbreviations are in common use in catalogues and should be interpreted in the light of some of the explanations give above :
24 As I have already suggested , Dicey 's views on both the rule of law and the constitution in general should be interpreted in the light of his belief in the ancient idea of the rule of law .
25 The standing of the University in terms of both the quality of its teaching and the significance of its research must be viewed in the light of the Further and Higher Education ( Scotland ) Act of March 1992 .
26 The boundaries of sovereignty must be determined in the light of the prevailing moral and political climate when difficult questions of constitutional authority arise .
27 At this time of day , however , when law and equity have been joined together for over 70 years , principles must be reconsidered in the light of their combined effect .
28 If resources are fungible then judgements must be made in the light of all debits and credits .
29 As such , this subsection is an illustration of the general rule that the intention of the parties with respect to a contract must be gleaned in the light of the surrounding circumstances .
30 The view expressed by Dr. I. in April 1992 that this should not happen was supported by independent medical opinion , but I have no doubt that all the doctors concerned would agree that situations can change and that , if and when a decision whether or not to use mechanical ventilation has to be taken , it must be taken in the light of the situation as it then exists .
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