Example sentences of "[modal v] be [verb] by the presence " in BNC.

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1 Nor were we very anxious that they should , knowing that we should be constrained by the presence of father or mother .
2 But the idea that the season of leisure should be marred by the presence of men from that vicious republic ?
3 Conflict : As a consequence decisions made in the boardroom — what bank to approach for loans or which underwriter to use — might be influenced by the presence and voting powers of bank directors .
4 In dioecious species , regulated in numbers by such predators , a high level of gene exchange could be maintained by the presence of a number of male trees that would not be attractive to these predators .
5 The lower specificity of Pyloriset Latex , Helico-G , and Biolab Malakit tests in NSAID patients could be explained by the presence of chemical gastritis and the low prevalence of H pylori in these patients , as found by this study and by thers .
6 An increased absorption of PEGs in active ulcerative colitis could be explained by the presence of inflammation resulting in the loss of mucosal integrity .
7 Results showed that whereas increased syntactic complexity of the question increased response latencies , the effects of such complexity could be removed by the presence of both semantic and pragmatic cues .
8 Moreover , goals relate to situations , so arousal may be as much situational as internal ; we may be aroused by the presence of others and the knowledge that other people are evaluating us , thereby linking goals or values important to us to the situation in which we find ourselves .
9 But in some areas a minority hold the view that the confidentiality of the client is thus breached and the nature of the interview may be altered by the presence of an observer .
10 Microscopically , also , generic identity may be confirmed by the presence of a large precloacal sucker in the male , and prominent caudal alae supported by large caudal papillae .
11 Furthermore , the interpretation of the SeHCAT test may be influenced by the presence of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine .
12 The simplest lakes lie on or in front of ice-sheets , formed by seasonal melting that may be enhanced by the presence of scree or windblown dust .
13 Since methylation of Dcm seems to proceed through binding of SAM to the active site ( see above ) it seemed plausible that this reaction may be stimulated by the presence of DNA .
14 The anaemia may be exacerbated by the presence of folate deficiency .
15 Even in the absence of ants , the tuber of the epiphytic Myrmecodia develops but the ants , usually species of Iridomyrex , keep broods in smooth chambers , placing debris in warted ones : the release of nutrients may be facilitated by the presence of fungi .
16 Severe hyposplenism , splenectomy or splenic atrophy may be reflected by the presence in the peripheral blood film of Howell Jolly bodies , acanthocytes and target cells .
17 In the early 1960s , scientists began to predict that ozone would be destroyed by the presence of chlorine-based gases in the atmosphere .
18 For example , on 22 September 1939 the Department of Health for Scotland Advisory Committee on Evacuation noted that ‘ the Billeting Appeal Tribunal in Perth had numerous appeals supported by medical certificates to the effect that the health of the householder would be injured by the presence of evacuees in the home ’ .
19 Although it is easy to appreciate that the polymer must be sufficiently wettable to sustain a coherent layer of tear fluid , it might be thought that all problems associated with wettability would be overcome by the presence of water in the material .
20 For his own successor he suggested Rohde , " the ablest of all the younger philologists I have known " , and with a disarming naivety he added : " I can not express how profoundly my life here in Basle would be alleviated by the presence of my best friend . "
21 In any one society , the meaning of ‘ aggression ’ will be determined by the presence or absence of related concepts such as ‘ bravery ’ , ‘ cowardice ’ , ‘ honour ’ , ‘ peacemaker ’ , ‘ bully ’ , and so on .
22 The main reason for this is to reduce or eliminate the risk that people will be affected by the presence of a new member of their social group .
23 Always look for such omissions and state how your answer will be affected by the presence or absence of the fact in question .
24 It is difficult to predict whether the properties of the polypeptide of interest will be affected by the presence of GST and IgG binding domains in the fusion proteins .
25 But in some cases the group 's behaviour will be disrupted by the presence of a known researcher , and it is in these instances that covert research is conducted .
26 The coming age will be the age of the gospel being preached among the nations : equally , it will be marked by the presence of the Holy Spirit enabling the Christians to bear faithful witness to Jesus , despite the costly consequences ( Mark 13:9–13 ) .
27 Mental handicap can be caused by the presence in the foetus of an abnormal chromosomal make-up .
28 The incorrect enzyme presence can be caused by the presence of recessive genes ; or simply by the absence of certain enzymes .
29 This natural state can be influenced by the presence of a cancer-causing agent located outside the cell .
30 Within closed chambers or vessels a given constant humidity can be maintained by the presence of a saturated solution in contact with excess of solute .
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