Example sentences of "[modal v] continue [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a joint communiqué issued after the meeting both sides agreed that Hong Kong should continue to participate in the activities of two international satellite communications bodies .
2 Amnesty International also expressed concern that the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights , currently in force in Macao by virtue of Portugal 's ratification , should continue to apply to the MSAR beyond 1999 .
3 Substitute care while a child or young person is away from home , must continue to provide for the child 's overall development .
4 Ousley says business is now split 60%-40% in favour of open systems versus the maintenance and servicing of its 1,800-odd remaining Cyber mainframe sites , which it 'll continue to support beyond the year 2000 .
5 Despite the bad news Julie says she 'll continue to fight for the sons she 's lost .
6 The veterans say they 'll continue to fight for the truth to be revealed about what they say was a ’ crime against humanity ’ .
7 Every able-bodied man in Uig signed a petition asking that the parish should be disjoined from Lewis and added to Harris so that they could continue to benefit from the employment Lord Leverhulme offered .
8 For another year , the Genoese could continue to squat in the wreck of the city , clutching the rights to their ruined , foundering colony ; promoting nothing ; permitting nothing to flourish , either of theirs or the Bastard 's .
9 The unions accused Timex of having engineered the strike and said they would continue to demonstrate outside the plant until the bitter end , which will come at Christmas .
10 For a short period previously produced , but non-expelled , hydrocarbons would continue to migrate from the sediments .
11 But even if all the power stations were shut down immediately , acid and sulphur would continue to bleed from the soil for years to come .
12 Austria would continue to abide by the State Treaty and to ban nuclear , chemical and biological weapons .
13 In consideration of this agreement , the accountants would continue to act in the sale of the business and meet creditors when required .
14 Because it would continue to share in the earth 's rotating motion , even after leaving the bow , it would fall to its origin even if the earth were moving .
15 He affirmed that he would continue to work for the maintenance of the status quo , but he felt that the Great Powers could no longer avoid discussing the international consequences which would ensue when Turkey fell .
16 Leblois said his division would continue to benefit from the recovery of the US economy and its performance was a leading indicator for the group as a whole .
17 However , Europe made it clear that it would continue to defer to the leadership of the United States in the ‘ peace process ’ , as it had done in the 1970s .
18 The Acting Reporter from Strathclyde , Gordon Sloan , who had filled in for the past year , would continue to look after the cases with which he had been involved .
19 Now in the years nineteen ninety one to nineteen ninety two Britain spent four hundred and five million pounds of its financial aid programme in Africa , about forty percent of the total and we shall continue to respond to the demands and challenges that Africa presents .
20 In order to encourage the growth that the South African economy desperately needs , we shall continue to work for the removal of the remaining economic and financial sanctions .
21 We shall be there thanks to the excellent monetary and economic management that we have enjoyed in the 1980s and will continue to enjoy for the rest of the 1990s under a Conservative Government .
22 Gordon Hay says , ‘ Both Stoddard and Sekers have individually secured solid design led market positions and together as Stoddard Sekers International , we will continue to rely on the quality of our products , progressive management , and strong financial controls to build upon that success .
23 But while the government does nothing , the campaigners say that childcare in Britain will continue to lag behind the rest of Europe
24 Jon Stokes is confident that he will be able to make management recommendations , and we hope this part of our natural heritage will continue to flower in the Forest .
25 If he does not , the uncertainty of the past few months — which has become worse in the past three weeks — will continue to hang over the coal industry .
26 There will be no equivalent of the Kennel Club pedigree certificate , certainly no guarantee of survival , and no assurance that a high-priced small fish will continue to improve over the years .
27 A beneficiary under a declaration of trust is not so well-placed : the bank will continue to deal with the trustee , and in the ordinary course the deposit will be repaid by the bank to the trustee , not the beneficiary .
28 Amazingly , the Million , which is restricted to the 250 yearlings sold at the Goffs Million sale the year before , will continue to clash with the Arc weekend because the sales it is tied to take place the week after .
29 Incidentally , the SRU will continue to press for the IRFB to form a Laws Advisory Committee consisting of genuine experts as opposed to five members of the board who may be good men and true but who know damn all about , for example , why the laws have evolved as they have .
30 When the matter is further considered by the committee in April , the United Kingdom will continue to press for the phasing-in period to be less than the proposed five years .
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