Example sentences of "[modal v] be able [to-vb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 As the first one had managed to flutter down , it seemed that the rest should be able to do the same , but I judged it safer to load them into a cardboard box and lower them gently .
2 The French believed that as smugglers in rowing boats constantly managed to get ashore on the English coast , an invasion fleet , given a favourable southerly wind and a calm , dark night , should be able to do the same , and hoped to use some of these clandestine sailors as pilots .
3 After that , ideally , everyone should be able to do the same .
4 It 's the Government 's view that since toy safetly legislation was introduced in 1967 , buyers of second hand toys should be able to expect the same level of safety as those buying new toys .
5 We might be able to do the same job elsewhere under better working conditions .
6 You 'll be able to use the same coins .
7 Santa Cruz Operation Inc had been in discussions with Novell Inc for a NetWare client for its Open Desktop products — see front page — but those talks are more or less canned now that SCO thinks it 'll be able to get the same stuff through COSE .
8 DROUGHT stricken farmers may be able to use the same water time after time to grow crops if experiments by scientists in Hampshire are successful .
9 Sears says that because its solution conforms to general rather than inhouse standards , suppliers using Ensemble will be able to use the same approach to trade with other partners , so that the proprietary ‘ lock-in ’ is avoided .
10 How many SSDs will be able to say the same in five years ' time ?
11 Mrs in her statement said that , quote , although my husband and I would like to be able to care for Anna Jane as long as possible , I accept that the last six years have taken their toll on us and the reality is that it 's unlikely that we will be able to provide the same level of care and same level of care and outside carers are required , unquote .
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