Example sentences of "[modal v] be able [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They should be able to immerse themselves in their client 's business , whether it is making machine tools or convenience foods or selling unit trusts .
2 As Palmerston put it in the mid-19th century , ministers , especially the Prime Minister , must be able to defend themselves in Parliament daily , ‘ and in order to do this they must be minutely acquainted with all the details of the business of their offices , and the only way of being constantly armed with such information is to conduct and direct those details themselves ’ .
3 Or at a pinch he might be able to squeeze himself into the desk drawer and hide .
4 Spokesman Jun Shimoyamada said : ‘ You 'll be able to immerse yourself in the picture . ’
5 Schools were started in the monasteries , for Charles proclaimed that ‘ Men of God should not only live by the rule and dwell in holy conversation , but should devote themselves to literary meditations , each according to his ability , that they may be able to give themselves to the duty of teaching others . ’
6 An abatement notice specifying these works would not be invalid , but should planning permission be refused and further action be taken to obtain compliance with the notice , the Justices need not take the local authority 's advice and order the defendants to implement those works , but if they do , and planning permission is again refused , the defendants may be able to avail themselves of the defence of ‘ reasonable excuse ’ , under s.95 , leaving the local authority to find alternative means to seek abatement of the odour .
7 Certainly nothing would be gained if action was taken under s.92(1) ( d ) of the Public Health Act 1936 , as the defendant would be able to avail himself of the defence of best practicable means provided by s.94(5) of the Public Health Act 1936 .
8 A person who was swept along by the crowd ( in a literal bodily sense ) , or who encountered unexpected barriers when attempting to comply with police conditions , would be able to avail himself of this defence .
9 The unfairness of such a result is compounded by the fact that , as a litigant , [ the defendant ] would be able to avail itself of the … procedures against plaintiffs .
10 ‘ That would give him more confidence and he would be able to establish himself in the side . ’
11 The Court of Appeal readily allowed new evidence to be admitted and held that since the risk to jobs did not appear to be a major factor in the dispute , it seemed unlikely that the union would be able to bring itself within the definition of a trade dispute and so the injunction should be granted .
12 He said : ‘ I suppose one hopes the day will come when he will be so old his urges and fantasies will leave him and he will be able to conduct himself without these things having the effect they do . ’
13 Purchasers in future will be able to safeguard themselves by ensuring that permission to develop is forthcoming before they pay more than current existing-use value or , where a claim on the fund passes with the land , current existing-use value plus 1947 development value .
14 Further , rich countries will be able to congratulate themselves on their common cause of helping Russia — of which the $18 billion package recently announced by the G7 is evidence .
15 Similarly , unemployed people who can show they have used their time constructively , in study or voluntary work for example , will be able to match themselves to jobs demanding the qualities this demonstrates — initiative , hard work , flexibility , reliability , etc. — and possibly pick up some useful skills and experience at the same time .
16 Your students will be prepared for each news item by structured discussion , and then helped with language and comprehension while watching ; after each item , they will practise and consolidate skills and vocabulary , through parallel reading and further exercises ; and finally they will be able to express themselves in follow-up writing tasks and communicative activities , such as making their own radio broadcast .
17 It is certainly true that in many cases warts will regress and even disappear without any treatment , but it is unclear why this should happen and there is no way of predicting which sufferers will be able to rid themselves of the warts or how to stimulate the body 's defence to that end .
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