Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [verb] [prep] a single " in BNC.

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1 The rectum was most compliant at low pressures and declined with increasing distension pressure until no further progress in compliance between the pressures of 30 to 40 cm H 2 O. Because non-linearity it is doubtful if rectal compliance should be characterised by a single value .
2 The committee recommended that O grades , taken only by the abler pupils , be replaced by an examination that matched comprehensive education , and that all pupils should be assessed for a single national certificate in each subject .
3 The first idea on which the report was based was that the home civil service ( the foreign and colonial services were not included ) should be organized as a single body of men with a common system of recruitment based on academic ability .
4 separate legal rules applying differently to different types of credit transaction should be replaced by a single set of rules covering equally all forms of ‘ security interest ’ ( how lenders try to secure what is owed to them , for example , by a right to repossess what is bought with the borrowed money ) .
5 ‘ The committee generally are strongly of opinion that larceny , embezzlement and fraudulent conversion should be replaced by a single new offence of theft .
6 This report stemmed from the recommendation of the Schools Council in the early 1970s that the dual examination systems of GCE and CSE should be replaced by a single system at 16 plus .
7 The Parliament itself , staunch advocate since 1983 of a federal European Union , urged that the two concepts of EMU and Political Union should be merged in a single Treaty on European Union , and won the vital support of France and Germany , as well as of a majority of other countries .
8 Secondly , all the terms of the lease should be regarded as a single bargain for letting the property .
9 On timing matters , another important point must be considered , viz. that most new book orders should be based upon a single base source .
10 The source of the confusion is the poor quality of the reasoning in Street v Mountford itself ; it is somewhat surprising , and not a little disturbing , that a unanimous decision by the House of Lords on such an important issue should be represented in a single judgment notable for its ambiguity …
11 If possible the patient should be nursed in a single room away from potential infection , as tolerance of infective complications is poor .
12 The first result is that complementary assets should be owned by a single firm .
13 The issue is not whether the UK should back nuclear safety research at Ispra ( those of us in the field in the UK are all in favour of that ) , but whether the majority of the resources ( and even an increase in the planned budget ) should be concentrated on a single project which can not possibly give results until late 1986 .
14 Erm , I think that the most important point within the , the er , report Chairman , is in paragraph erm , three four , where the Rural Development Commission are , are saying very strongly that if there 's more than one area designated within the county and there are now three areas designated within Shropshire , in the past there was only one R D , R D A area , that it all runs through , there are now three separate R D A areas , the , the R D , the Rural Development Commission are recommending very strongly that if you do have that , then they should be managed by a single R DP Committee .
15 Thus it was a natural step that in 1875 the Probate , Divorce , and Admiralty jurisdictions should be entrusted to a single division of the High Court .
16 Hans Tietmayer , then Deputy President Elect of the Bundesbank , put it this way as early as June 1991 : ‘ A single currency requires a single bank which must be matched by a single government and a single state . ’
17 The first point is that generating letters and updating records must be combined into a single operation .
18 Data records held in sequential mode can be read only from first to last and all steps in any analysis run must be accomplished in a single ‘ pass ’ through the file .
19 Four , five , even six or seven reversioners might be appointed for a single place ; and , while all might have been appointed by the King initially , this queue of hopefuls stretching into the future certainly deprived him of choice when the office became vacant .
20 There are several ways in which the five responses might be summarized into a single score for each month which could then be traced over time .
21 Table 11.3 gives a guide to the duration of jet-lag that might be expected after a single journey .
22 The common solution to all three unsolved problems — open years , the cash crunch and litigation — might be found in a single word : mutualisation .
23 Whilst we did consider that this site could be developed with a single storey dwelling without seriously affecting the amenities of the village , we were not aware of the strength of local feeling against any development on this site .
24 It was Galileo 's contemporary , Kepler , who contributed a major breakthrough in that direction when he discovered that each planetary orbit could be represented by a single ellipse , with the sun at one focus .
25 Thus it has been suggested that a key difference between invertebrate and vertebrate brains is that in the former a great deal of power and responsibility could be invested in a single cell or even synapse which in the vertebrate nervous system would be more widely distributed .
26 Cayley took a set of equations such as unc and enclosed each side in brackets , so that two equal columns could be connected by a single equality sign .
27 These defensive and protective proposals could be reinforced by a single measure , brilliant in its simplicity , which would guard against old-age discrimination more effectively than any other .
28 Mr Burrow said society was becoming more demanding in its expectation of the police , and the entire attitude of individuals could be based on a single experience of meeting an officer .
29 I have always felt that most of the practical differences between the handling of tailwheel aircraft and those with their third wheel at the wrong end could be covered in a single comprehensive magazine article ( like mine in March Pilot ) , but after reading The Compleat Taildragger Pilot I concede that , if you want to cover all the relevant theory too , something this size is required .
30 The may maybe I just comment on that that last that last point , which as I understand it it the the justification for a new settlement is brought about solely by increasing the requirement for Greater York to twelve thousand seven hundred , going through those figures there seems to me , for instance , for both Ryedale and Selby to be more provision than could be met in a single settlement , I I think the the figures put forward by Barton Willmore are more than can be met in existing allocations and a single new settlement of a reasonable size .
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