Example sentences of "[modal v] [not/n't] [verb] the same mistake " in BNC.

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1 I must not make the same mistake this time .
2 We must not make the same mistake again .
3 So he knows — we know — we thought we knew , though of course we may be wrong — that you should n't make the same mistake as he did , going into acting . ’
4 It is a safe bet that the other parties in contention would not make the same mistake .
5 The general opinion is that Third World countries have suffered so dreadfully under the debt burden , they would not make the same mistake again .
6 On 8 December he told his ministers that he had blundered by treating the election as a referendum and would not make the same mistake again .
7 Castro is reported to have said in private that ‘ we shall not make the same mistake twice ; we shall not break with the Russians after having broken with the Americans ’ ( Suárez : 1967 , p. 175 ) .
8 I sha n't make the same mistake again . ’
9 And I sha n't make the same mistake again . ’
10 ‘ If we get in front we wo n't make the same mistake of lying back and letting them in as we did in Belfast , ’ said captain and centre back Alan McDonald ( Queens Park Rangers ) .
11 They wo n't make the same mistake today , although the Irish-based winner on that occasion , Glencloud , is again in today 's field .
12 Jackson — forced to pull out of last year 's World Championship final when he suddenly suffered shoulder spasms minutes before the race — declared : ‘ I wo n't make the same mistakes again .
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