Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] himself [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The section does not specifically empower the policeman to give directions as to how the actor should conduct himself in the future ( as by leaving the spot ) .
2 He should think himself into the position of the other person , whether in-house or customer , and try to anticipate his approach and reactions .
3 He should throw himself at the Doctor 's back , grapple with him , break the machinery at which he was working .
4 He must free himself from the control of any established church and its priests and instead subordinate them to the State .
5 He should confine himself to the questions put to him .
6 Where NEWSFLASHes name a member of the department as a contact , the person should familiarise himself with the subject matter and have readily available those to whom reference may be made in order to progress the matter .
7 Perhaps he should refresh himself with the facts .
8 His Prince Hal is never a roaring boy : he sits hunched or sprawled , with dark unwinking eyes : he hopes to be amused by his bully companions , but the eyes constantly muse beyond them into the time when he must steady himself for the crown .
9 Such behaviour did not recommended itself to another , more discreet , influence on Leonard during those undergraduate years : Professor F.R. Scott , later Dean of the Faculty of Law , presently , while Leonard swithered and swayed as to whether he should commit himself to the arts or commerce , his lecturer in law .
10 An officer who was not himself thus inclined complained that his predecessor ( and friend ) had ‘ considered that the man in charge of the northern area of Masailand should place himself in an atmosphere of utter discomfort ; in short should become a wild man of the west and suffer privations of all kinds .
11 He plans to stay in Sheffield to compete on the first day of the UK Championships today then concentrate on training , his Olympic place assured without having to jump in the trials in Birmingham on June 27–28 , in which he 'll confine himself to an outing in the 100 metres .
12 Kemalpasazade sought the advice of Mueyyedzade who counselled him to feign acceptance of Hacihasanzade 's proposal ; and when , on the next day , the latter petitioned the sultan , Bayezid II , to appoint Kemalpasazade to a kadilik , Mueyyedzade intervened , speaking highly of Kemalpasazade 's abilities and asking that he not be wasted in a kadilik but rather that he be given the vacant Taslik medrese so that he might busy himself with the pursuit of learning .
13 In his commentary on Psalm 136:7 he observed that the Holy Spirit ‘ had no intention to teach astronomy ’ but had used popular language ‘ that none might shelter himself under the pretext of obscurity . ’
14 He might lose himself in the books sometimes , but he might find the Key there , too .
15 In doing so he might find himself in the company of evolutionary epistemologists such as Riedl ( 1979 ) , whose over-arching theory of life as an ‘ erkenntnisgewinnender prozess ’ seems to require a unitary notion of knowledge or information , information that can be stored in a genome at one end of the evolutionary spectrum , as well as be expressed , at the other end , by scientific theories that make the world a less strange place to live in .
16 He 'll find himself on a brain-shrinker 's couch or in the bin if he does n't get a hold of himself . "
17 if you were buried alive , I mean , Uncle Nat when he used , when he was in , in Uncle Nat when he was out in the war , he used to come back home and he 'd only to hear a siren and he 'd throw himself on the floor
18 Sir Robert Carey , Warden of the English Middle March , had been in London visiting the queen , but had prudently arranged for relays of horses to be ready for him between the capital and Edinburgh , so that he could ingratiate himself with the King of Scots by being the first to arrive with the news that he was now King of England also .
19 He could picture himself at the court of King Louis , accepting the thanks of his grateful monarch .
20 He could see himself in the garden with Fraulein Simonis , investigating those dark eyes at closer quarters .
21 Frankie wriggled free so that he could remove himself from the confrontation .
22 Furthermore , should the specified remedial works be carried out , and the odour emission continue , in any further proceedings , in respect of a statutory nuisance within s.92(1) ( c ) or s.92(1) ( d ) , the odour emitter could avail himself of the defence of best practicable means provided by s.94(4) and s.94(5) respectively .
23 He had mistakenly believed that total retirement from first-class cricket was necessary before he could avail himself of the pension fund for West Indies Test cricketers .
24 Give Ray half a chance and he 'd blame himself for the invention of gunpowder . ’
25 The crossbow , most useful in defence when the crossbowman , who needed protection for the time required to wind up his weapon , could hide himself behind a wall , was an elitist weapon , most effective in the hands of Gascons , who fought in Wales for Edward I , and of Genoese , a large contingent of whom fought on the French side at Crécy .
26 Although what George says is easy to rectify with Lennie , it might not be the case with other people , and if so , George could find himself in a lot of trouble .
27 What safety they offered was debatable , but if worst came to worst he would throw himself beneath a car , and deny the voiders the entertainment of his slow demise .
28 Richard , he said , was deeply offended that anyone should think he would lower himself to the depths of duping the editor of Music Week .
29 He would lend himself to a deluge ; she would imagine water gushing into a basin .
30 He would treat himself to a seat in the front row .
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