Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] live [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 How wonderful it must be to live in a community where everyone trusts their neighbours and even strangers ; a community where you can invite outsiders into your house , garden or car , and share hospitality and friendship without any fear of danger .
2 He must be living in a dream world talking about the traditions and vitality of rural life as if we were still stuck in the Middle Ages .
3 Although it may be easier to like the look of a classical house , few imagine how pleasant it might be to live in a Tudor Revival one which combines quaint picturesqueness with modern practicalities .
4 ‘ You 'd be living in a fantasy world !
5 ‘ If this were my life , ’ he says softly , ‘ I 'd be living in a hotel made of chocolate sponge cake and organ music .
6 If we had really reached a state where a bloody and unprovoked attack on four unarmed members of our police provoked only glee and pleasure in the public then neither I , nor anyone else , would be living in a country we recognised .
7 However , any human beings who were observing the cups would be living in a universe in which disorder decreased with time .
8 I imagined the witchdoctor would be living in a village of several rondavels surrounded by reed hedges .
9 If you assumed this public culture reflected political actuality you would be living in a fools ' paradise , the reverse side of Thatcherland .
10 If things had happened differently he , Lewis , would be living in a house like this or in a flat in central London with a cottage in the country as well .
11 He and Anne would be living in a house like this one , rather than that neo-Georgian palace .
12 By the end of the century , the Chinese government hopes that every peasant family will be living in a brick and tile house with its own toilet and water supply : a dream that at the moment looks impossible .
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