Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] be responsible for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 the court of appeal held that foster parents of a child , scalded when she put her foot under hot running water , were not negligent.the majority view was that a parent should not be responsible for unforeseeable accidents of the type which occur in the best homes .
2 Each partner may also be responsible for other spending .
3 The thermal tide may also be responsible for dim ultraviolet radiation observed to come from the middle of the night hemisphere .
4 The manufacturer may have sold to the wholesaler on the basis that he would not be responsible for any claims for defective quality .
5 This will then leave all the other issues of the Exchequer Division to be dealt with , preferably in a third group , under the direct supervision of the Assistant Director , who would also be responsible for all Council Tax matters on behalf of the Depute Director as required .
6 underneath it , you know , under those trucks or something , but I mean we , we , we ca n't be responsible for that .
7 I mean , there are many , many cases of injustice around the world and , the West , the British government , ca n't be responsible for all of them , but there 's , there 's one particular case of Iraq , where we 've already gone to war , to , in the cause of democracy and freedom , and I do n't believe that when Saddam offends again as he does day by day , we can turn a blind eye .
8 I will not be responsible for this any longer ’ . ’
9 In all such cases we will not be responsible for any costs involved .
10 If it is stimulated every time we sit down then tremendous tensions will build up over the years ; these will give rise to neck and back problems , and will also be responsible for many headaches and migraines .
11 Hydro-electric power will still be the main source of renewable energy in the year 2000 and will also be responsible for most of the growth in usage of renewable sources mainly by virtue of projects in South America .
12 They will also be responsible for supporting pupils who are experiencing difficulties in attaining Compact goals .
13 As I am fully conscious of the importance of preserving national unity , I propose to give your Government complete support in the vigorous prosecution of the War ; but unity without action is nothing but futile carnage , and I can not be responsible for that .
14 Since then , observed levels of legal abortion can not be responsible for more than a fifth of the decline in legitimate fertility , although its impact of illegitimate births is greater .
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