Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] see [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But when they meet me , they may not see a kind creature who has helped them .
2 We may soon see a nursery ABC frieze , which goes : A is for Aids , B is for Bondage , C is for Condom , D is for Deviancy , E is for Equality , F is for Feminism , G is for Gender Stereotyping , H is for Haringey , I is for Income Support , J is for Joyriding , K is for karma , L is for Liberalism , M is for Ms. , N is for New Age , O is for Outing , P is for Positive Discrimination , Q is for Questioning Authority , R is for Radical , S is for Single Parent , T is for Therapy , U is for Underprivileged , V is for Virtual Reality , W is for Wimmin , X is for Malcolm , Y is for Yoof and Z is for Zen .
3 Are you really saying that you 'd rather see a rubbish tip than fairways ? ’
4 Granny was seated in her rocking chair facing the fireplace , but her back was to me and I could only see the paper curlers she had in her hair .
5 He could not see the Wood family .
6 The party 's problem was that it was a Catholic organisation and could not see the class basis of the problems .
7 Place could not see the police presence on the river walk above his head , but he could probably guess it was there .
8 I have always looked upon you as Theo Daniel said he could not see the pain Frederica said was in the olives , and Alexander , still lecturing , said that Vincent had objected to paintings of symbolic Christs in Gethsemane by Bernard and his compères , had torn up his own , had made do with the olives themselves .
9 When he stood up he could just see a fire engine as if on the high seas diving and heaving towards him .
10 The tide was already on the turn , you could just see the stone margin of the path they had walked .
11 They could just see the Maggon Mountains to the West .
12 Although it was dark , I could still see the stone wall at the edge of the road .
13 Nathan could still see the preacher standing , shocked and speechless , on his box .
14 Yeremi could still see the tube wall quite clearly with his enhanced vision .
15 And I never found any embarrassment there because there was I always saw the wom woman , you could always see a woman chemist .
16 The Bushman was following it , but suddenly he swerved aside and he went off in another direction and I followed him , although I could clearly see the buffalo hoofmarks leading off in the opposite way .
17 Behind the gun barrel , we could now see the tank crew sitting on the turret of the T-62 , one of them with a cloth tied round his forehead .
18 He hurried out into the garden but to his disappointment he could n't see a pear tree anywhere let alone one with a partridge in it .
19 No I just could n't see the name Prima actually just
20 From where he stood he could n't see the hospital wing .
21 But what about the sailors in the southern hemisphere — the part of the earth south of the Equator ? they could n't see the Pole Star , so what did they use to guide them ?
22 Working out the visibility was easier as we did have guidelines here — a tree on the other side of the airfield was at 1,000 yards , a distant farmhouse 2 miles , and if you could n't see the briefing room it was foggy .
23 The organ pipes are in the middle of the chancel and you could n't see the east window at the .
24 She could almost see the thought processes flicker across his brain .
25 Soapy could almost see the prison doors .
26 He had missed her moment — he knew he had missed it — ; yet his eyes softened suddenly , and you could almost see the shadow fall from his shoulders as he twinkled down at Laura where she knelt before her dying fire .
27 You could barely see the barber jackets for the brollies … torrential rain and wind made the going heavy everywhere at Cheltenham .
28 I know it sounds crazy , but even as I watched this little boy , Jimbo , I thought I could actually see a muscle quiver .
29 The previous evening they had insisted on taking her to the cinema , ignoring her protests that she would rather see the Molière play at the Comédie Française , to watch Jacques Prévert 's film Les Enfants du Paradis .
30 Undertakers rarely advertised , for theirs was — and remains — a trade where discretion took precedence over high-profile marketing and one would not see an undertaker publishing testimonials from satisfied customers .
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