Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [be] deny that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But it can not be denied that they had neglected their fixed charities .
2 It can not be denied that we need more resources to improve the quality of life of very frail older people .
3 Many of the shortcomings of the eastern type are similar to those of the western , but it can not be denied that it is the immensely complicated nature alone of the eastern Buddhism , Hinduism and their derivatives that is sufficient to make them equally useless as a basis of a religion of the character that mankind needs .
4 It can not be denied that it would be splendid to see Luckie Mucklebackit , Edie Ochiltree , Wizard of the Moor or any other member of the Class in action once more , but the purists might object to a D11/1 being portrayed as a D11/2 .
5 However , even though the work described here is certainly concerned with grammar ( and not , for example , based on sociological data or on lexical classification ) , it can not be denied that it is remote from much of modern writing on grammar .
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