Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] themselves [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With the hot spell set to continue , doctors now fear some people may expose themselves to the risk of skin cancer.Gareth Furby reports .
2 Consequently , they should prepare themselves for the process by shaping the plans for their appointment procedure in some detail .
3 Women were told unequivocally that they should confine themselves to the sphere of home and family ; the middle class husband unlike his working class counterpart , could be safely relied upon to provide .
4 Trade unions should confine themselves to the business of wages and conditions .
5 The article concludes with a declaration that British members of the National Front should identify themselves with the struggle of the Palestinians : ‘ We must draw inspiration from people such as the Palestinians who having lost so much more than us , still continue to fight for national sovereignty , and stubbornly refuse to relinquish their national identity . ’
6 But Lib Dem Coun Flo Clukas said officers should reconcile themselves to the fact that Option 3 will go ahead and should put plans into place .
7 In general terms the War Wagon fights like a chariot , and players should familiarise themselves with the chariot rules in the Warhammer rulebook .
8 Nowadays museums must sell themselves on the market in order to attract not only the audiences but also sponsors and benefactors .
9 Not wishing to jeopardise businesses , the Committee suggests that directors must satisfy themselves on the basis that they have a reasonable expectation that it will continue in operation for the period specified in the guide-lines .
10 ( d ) Pensions and insurances Now that payments for goodwill to outgoing partners are fast disappearing , partners must address themselves to the question of making financial provision for themselves in retirement and their families in the event of their death .
11 Contributors emphasized that purity was a positive advance for women and that the paper 's editors should declare themselves on the side of reverence and self-control .
12 The reasons for failure are more likely to be due to people problems , which may show themselves by the lack of cooperation when the information system is being developed and a resistance to the changes that occur when the application is implemented .
13 Our highest and most serious imaginative inventions may show themselves in the medium of the arts .
14 American rivals might console themselves with the thought that this represents a hidden , but substantial , addition to the cost of capital .
15 From this , we will not be excluded , but will in turn exclude them , including some of those who might find themselves in the terrain of our state because their being on our state threatens the unity of our state , just as they perceive us to be a threat to their unity , and so on and so on .
16 If such a proposal was adopted by the GMC Kay and his committee might find themselves in the dock .
17 By going even so short a distance , however , men could free themselves from the control of their lord and the custom of the manor , and it is clear that one can see a similar situation elsewhere in the country ; families were prepared to leave the land to free themselves from their lords ( 79 , p.35 ) .
18 I reasoned like you , my lord , that they 'd rid themselves of the load , it would only slow them down .
19 Nor did I see how gods worshipped in days of continual tribal war and plunder could adjust themselves to the world where Peace is an ideal — the Christian world .
20 These could supervene powerfully in the individual personality — as they evidently did in that of Akhenaten — but , more frequently perhaps , these psychopathological tendencies could manifest themselves in the culture of the agricultural society , perhaps as fire-festivals ( with attendant witch-delusions ) or as full-blown cults of solar-imperial megalomania .
21 Only a small proportion of his men were actually with him now , others coming in singly and in groups as they could disentangle themselves from the embroilment .
22 The pamphlet explained , in simple terms , how civil servants could protect themselves from the possibility of having their actions and decisions overturned by the courts .
23 Many Yugoslav army officers had asked how they could put themselves at the disposal of the government , he said .
24 By beating this they could drive themselves through the water but their heavy foreparts must have kept their heads low and close to the bottom .
25 For instance people may express themselves against the trade unions in general terms , yet support the claims submitted by their own union on their behalf .
26 It made sense to assume that Yuan and Zukov would throw themselves to the right of the line of fire , but he did not wait for them to act .
27 A number of GRIST coordinating staff doubted whether arts teachers would avail themselves of the opportunity to comment on their INSET need , as GRIST , section 27. i. , requires .
28 And they would force themselves to the front all the time .
29 The young Sheikh and his friends would stretch themselves on the carpet around us , their white kandoras in the half-light of night making a scene of extraordinary beauty .
30 As Tiguary announced the plan to the assembled chiefs , Dulé could see the scene in his mind 's eye : the fire licking up one mast , then leaping in the rigging to the other , snaking through the spars , then falling in sparks , and setting the decks to smouldering while sleepy men sloshed water about with the balers , yelling orders to one another , until , when the flames had lit up all the timbers and the ship blazed in a transparent lattice of spars and ribs , her defenders would fling themselves into the sea and the warriors would swoop out of the shallows and fall on them : it would be as easy as catching fish .
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