Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] it difficult for the " in BNC.

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1 This may make it difficult for the counsellor to know whether , and to what extent , to pursue the issue .
2 This in turn may make it difficult for the manager to evoke commitment and enthusiasm .
3 But it is easy to accept Brown and Harris 's cautious suggestion that this same factor may make it difficult for the woman to get treatment .
4 But anti-whaling nations , including the UK and USA , succeeded in delaying the resumption of whaling until at least next year , by insisting that further work on the formula needed to be undertaken , and by adding various amendments and qualifications which collectively would make it difficult for the plan to operate in practice .
5 Despite aggressive cost cutting , however , it believes a weak business environment will make it difficult for the company to be profitable this year .
6 However , other mammals are strongly attracted by them which will make it difficult for the perfume manufacturers , who have extracted and patented human copulins , to market them successfully .
7 We can make it difficult for the respondent to do this by randomizing the direction of the successive ratings so that ‘ desirable ’ is sometimes on the left and sometimes on the right .
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