Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the head " in BNC.

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1 You should hit him on the head , see some blood running — would n't stun him at all .
2 ‘ If it gets any worse , I 'll knock it on the head .
3 She 'll give a pound coin to one of the tinkers ’ children when there 're dozens of them running round , and she 'll let them see she 's got lots more pound coins , and then she has to give them all one or they 'll bang her on the head and take them . ’
4 One day ; Jacko promised himself , one day I 'll tap him on the head and wall him up in a brick kiln .
5 You stand still and listen to what I 've got to say , and if you do n't stop looking at me like that I 'll hit you over the head with this . "
6 I wo n't hurt you , but if you come near the boat , I 'll shoot you through the head ! ’
7 ‘ If someone broke into your house and you caught him , you 'd beat him over the head , would n't you ? ’
8 Yes , I 'd whack him on the head with me stick or something .
9 but then they could hit you on the head if they saw you 've got it with you .
10 Even if I DID turn both taps fully on and DID leave the plug out I would not allow the bath to get anywhere near overflowing because my Mum would beat me around the head with the back-scrubber .
11 Then Gomez would shoot him in the head .
12 And I 'm just being hysterical , I suppose , because I 've had too many of John 's terribly strong G and Ts and it 'll all look different in the morning and I 'll come to you and say sorry and was n't I being a silly girl last night , and you can pat me on the head and say yes , was n't I ?
13 But his arguments can be generalized for all mass cultural forms ; indeed , taking more recent popular music developments and music theorizing into account , we can see him at the head — implicitly and sometimes explicitly — of a ‘ Benjamin Ian ’ tradition , pointing perhaps ‘ beyond mass culture ’ .
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