Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [prep] [art] particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These benchmarks would indicate to teachers the things which all children ought to know at a particular stage of their development .
2 Then the algorithm may opt for a particular child C on the basis of the gradient of f at N , but the gradient is misleading and in fact f ( C ) is much less then f(N) .
3 Or they must work for a particular employer ( eg a local council ) , or in a similar trade or occupation ( eg taxidrivers , the police ) .
4 Each trial consisted of a visual warning ( two arrowheads indicated the subject should attend to a particular area of the screen ) , a series of digits ( varying in length from 1 to 6 digits ) presented at a rate of 1.2 seconds per digit , a gap of 2 seconds , and finally a probe digit .
5 Here , as in a factory , hospital , prison or whatever , the artist must respond to the particular environment and the special needs of those involved .
6 Consequently , the court can not use what used to be called injunctions , either mandatory or prohibitory , to achieve that the child should live in a particular place .
7 Finally , it might be impossible to decide whether Joanna should play in a particular position on the football field without knowing where other players are going to be : the permutations are numerous and interdependent .
8 Secondly , and of equal importance , is the fact that the courts possess creative choice as to the general intensity of review which should operate within a particular area .
9 But if a woman should ask for a particular garment , he would take her into what had been the front room of the house and there , in comparative privacy , she could make her choice and try on the clothes .
10 A secondee might focus on a particular issue : for example , training , recruitment or appraisal .
11 Thus , a child aged 8 years experiencing language difficulties might perform on a particular language test at the same level as a group of ordinary children of 6 years of age .
12 Political considerations may make it unlikely , even inconceivable that Parliament might legislate in a particular manner .
13 If you would like some advice on the amount you could borrow for a particular home improvement project that you have in mind , ask your local NatWest branch , as our staff will be pleased to help you .
14 This , of course , could happen in a particular area .
15 Humboldt showed them how to tabulate data to reveal the effect of the environment in determining what kind of species could live in a particular area .
16 Before we start talking about Britain in some detail , erm just to conclude talking about the world as a whole , do estimates suggest that the world population may stabilize at a particular level at some point in the future ?
17 In practice this should mean that the design of consents has been influenced less by conceptions about the similarity of discharges than by a scientific analysis of the impact a particular discharge may have on a particular watercourse and the polluting load that that watercourse can accept , according to agency plans for river quality .
18 Although this ‘ voluntary ’ aspect of indirect taxes may apply to a particular individual and a particular tax , it can not apply to all individuals and all taxes .
19 It is clear that the court has jurisdiction to quantify the amount recoverable both under its inherent jurisdiction as well as pursuant to such statutory provisions and rules as may apply to a particular case .
20 This may apply to a particular period or it may be concerned with changes over a long period of time .
21 Although the artefact may stand for a particular form of production , it can not be assumed that it will do so , or that the divisions which appear as significant from one perspective upon modern society will necessarily emerge as the major dimensions of differentiation in the object world .
22 The risk , with such a broad approach , is that one might end up making generalisations that were too broad and had little power to predict with any accuracy the intonation that a speaker would use in a particular context .
23 Diametric offers a unique design service ; send a sketch or short description of what you would like for a particular room or purpose , and it will work out and cost the design .
24 ‘ Eventually , just from listening to albums you could tell what tunings they were using , because a lot of them were n't using a regular tuning , most of them would tune to a particular chord .
25 We shall look at a particular example and shall conclude that , when it comes to complexity and beauty of design , Paley hardly even began to state the case .
26 An example of a custom built chip might be one designed to monitor the pressure in some continuous process operation such as steelmaking or papermaking , where the processor would fit into a particular part of the host plant .
27 infer the thoughts and feelings which men would have in a particular situation if they were able to assess both it and the interests arising from it in their impact on immediate action and the whole structure of society .
28 It should be possible to relate the reader 's personality traits to the kind of response the reader will make to a particular story or information book .
29 The nature of work in private practice varies enormously , as many firms will specialise in a particular field and others may offer a more general service .
30 Anything that makes it more likely that a child will behave in a particular way .
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