Example sentences of "[be] reasonable [to-vb] [conj] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Six theses in this category were from Imperial College , and it would be reasonable to suggest that the copies consulted , and subsequently cited by authors other than the thesis authors , were from London University 's main library , where the set of theses for inter-library loan is kept .
2 If it can be shown that most children recorded as unoccupied in the census also had economically inactive lone mothers then it would be reasonable to assume that the concerns about numerator-denominator bias expressed by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys may be exaggerated .
3 It is important to establish , therefore , whether or not it is reasonable to suppose that the children of lone mothers represent a significant proportion of the unoccupied group recorded in the census .
4 Centromeres are portions of the DNA that hold the two halves of a divided chromosome together , and it is reasonable to suppose that the centromeres of a given species would be more like one another than like the centromeres of another species .
5 The full information about the structure of space–time is embodied in the metric equation , and so it is reasonable to expect that the connections should be functions of the metric coefficients .
6 It is reasonable to consider that the glasses obtained by different cooling rates from the melt are different from each other .
7 If lesion A affects function X but not function Y while lesion B affects function Y but not function N , it is reasonable to assume that the effects observed are specific to the loci of lesions A and B rather than to the general effects of brain damage .
8 For all practical purposes , it is reasonable to assume that the children classified as unoccupied at the census were living in poverty in one parent families .
9 It is reasonable to assume that the daughters , particularly the elder ones , of such families will have been brought up to share in household chores .
10 If a link exists between body temperature and the sensation of fatigue , then it is reasonable to enquire if the abilities to fall asleep and remain asleep are also related to body temperature .
11 But the chromosomes could be carriers of the genes , and , since chromosomes are threads , it was reasonable to guess that the genes are arranged along the chromosomes , like beads on a string .
12 The accusations of republican and Communist links were significant , and Craig obviously believed that it was reasonable to assume that the motives of NICRA were subversive .
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