Example sentences of "[be] met by the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When I try to use the shared bathroom I am met by the teenage mother — the one with two kids .
2 In August it was remarked in the Commons that , ‘ Wherever you go now in every constituency you are met by the aged people and their organizations . ’
3 You will depart from Heathrow on a scheduled Kenya Airways flight to Mombasa via Nairobi where you will be met by the Kuoni representative and transferred to the Travellers Beach Hotel .
4 You will depart from Heathrow on a Thai International flight to Bangkok where you will be met by the Kuoni representative and transferred to the Jade Pavilion Hotel for your three night stay .
5 You depart from Gatwick or Manchester for Luxor where you will be met by the Kuoni representative and transferred to the King Tut which will sail from Luxor or Aswan .
6 In our view the need for adequate management of Campaigns and of Personnel will not be met by the present proposal .
7 And I think that the alternative of the new settlement is by far the best solution , provided it is mixed with some peripheral development , one ca n't go into a position where there is all peripheral development or all new settlement , it has to be in perfect balance , because some needs can not of course be met by the new settlement .
8 Nevertheless , the Japanese fleet arrived in the Tasman as promised , to be met by the new Greenpeace flagship , Rainbow Warrior II .
9 There were two overriding needs which had to be met by the Roman road network — military and economic .
10 In 1989 Brazil faced a critical shortage of fuel alcohol , used to run more than a quarter of passenger cars , because the rise in demand ( 48 per cent since 1985 ) could not be met by the stagnating production of sugar cane .
11 Any possibility of excessive delay could be met by the English court fixing a date for trial ; and it could control the allocation of costs .
12 The rapid growth of the secondary banking sector meant that unsatisfied demand for credit from the primary banks could be met by the secondary banks ; this sector not being subject to the liquidity ratio requirements .
13 And the Secretary of State had declared what might otherwise be regarded as a powerful if not irresistible force would be met by the immovable object of US resolution .
14 According to government , some of the main needs to be met by the social security system are bringing up children , and caring for elderly or disabled people .
15 The cost of the operation , which was not disclosed , is being met by the Irish Government .
16 Surplus junior posts were to be converted to consultant posts , with additional service work being met by the new staff grade and a small increase in the number of senior house officers .
17 The bill for the royal party 's four-day stay — said to be up to £24,000 a night — is being met by the Korean government .
18 An allowance is given for each dependent child other than the applicant and the resultant net income is then compared with a scale which shows the parental contribution to school fees , the balance being met by the Scottish Education Department .
19 Peter Donaldson of Red Lion Books , Colchester , Essex , said : ‘ We hardly used publishers ’ hotlines ; our basic needs were met by the brilliant service provided by wholesalers .
20 They arrived safely and were met by the royal purveyor from Kinghorn ( also called Alexander ) who had brought horses down to the beach for the royal party ; these included the King 's favourite , a white mare called Tamesin which he had left at Kinghorn for the Queen 's own use .
21 , and I flew to Agra in the evening , and were met by the British Council driver .
22 The cost of such representation is met by the Legal Aid fund , which is administered by the Legal Aid Board , although a contribution may be required from the assisted party in accordance with the rules discussed below .
23 Stepping from the middle car , Sir Edward Heath was met by the Regional Council 's convenor , Eric Milligan .
24 This was met by the loudest burst of approval yet , followed by warm and sustained applause .
25 The journey by train from Cambridge to Lincoln was tedious , involving several changes , and on arrival I was met by the usual RAF truck for the half hour 's run into Binbrook village and from there up the steep hill to the RAF Station on its plateau above the low lying plains .
26 Most of the cost was met by the wealthy Congregationalist , Abel Buckley , who had been the MP for Prestwich Division in the Home Rule Parliament of 1885 .
27 The Queen flew into Lanacka Airport and was met by the Greek Cypriot President , Mr Clarides .
28 He was met by the angry governess , who had waited up late .
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