Example sentences of "[be] carried [adv prt] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These materials are highly complicated and important fluids which play a great part in the direction of the ways in which our bodies and minds function ; they are known as hormones , and are carried around in the bloodstream exercising effect on each other and on a variety of bodily processes .
2 When the multiplications are carried out in the order indicated , the upper Hessenberg form is maintained throughout , If , however , we begin by multiplying the central three matrices , the upper Hessenberg form is lost , with a accompanying loss of simplicity .
3 As Dillon LJ pointed out in R & B Custom Brokers : … there are some transactions which are clearly integral parts of the businesses concerned , and these should be held to have been carried out in the course of those businesses ; this would cover , apart from much else , the instance of a one-off adventure in the nature of trade , where the transaction itself would constitute a trade or business .
4 How is it possible that what will prove to be an act of technological genocide has been carried out in the name of international law ?
5 Throughout the 20th century biomedical and biological research on animals has been carried out in the University of Oxford .
6 And I think it 's worth s er reading out that the Civic Society have asked er Betty in Arundel to write to us in order to express their appreciation of the work that 's been carried out in the church free car park .
7 Addressing a special session of the Cortes ( parliament ) on Feb. 1 , Alfonso Guerra , who at no time condoned his brother 's alleged activities , acknowledged that Juan had used the government office but said that this was because he was helping him as deputy secretary of the PSOE , and he denied that private activities had been carried out in the office in his presence or with his knowledge .
8 Language tests had been carried out in the breach rather than the observance .
9 The West German Finance Minister , Mr Theo Waigel , ruled out a common German currency until economic reforms had been carried out in the East .
10 Little mineral exploration has been carried out in the area which is poorly exposed except in coastal sections .
11 The mouth of the river seemed ten times its normal width , while about half a mile out to sea hundreds of trees stood upright , supported by their enormous roots , just as they had been carried down in the flood .
12 They can be carried round in the pocket and referred to frequently — on the bus , while taking the dog for a walk , while shaving , almost anywhere .
13 That legislation can not be carried through in the remainder of this Parliament and will be a matter for the next Parliament .
14 The basic question at issue in the debate is whether the United Kingdom is to be carried along in the wake of those changes or to be a driving force for change .
15 Sample surveys of individuals , households and employers will be carried out in the locality on behalf of the ESRC by Public Attitude Surveys Ltd , and by the Policy Studies Institute .
16 We will now consider how pivoting may be carried out in the framework we have outlined .
17 ‘ A key feature of this process is that the assessment will be carried out in the work place by competent trainers/assessors nominated by the managers . ’
18 Measurement of the osmotic pressure π of a polymer solution can be carried out in the type of cell represented schematically in figure 9.1 .
19 Many small jobs for canal bank workers — mending scythes , making fence fittings and nails — would be carried out in the forge .
20 This could be carried out in the school , the clinic or the child 's home .
21 The method , however , lacks flexibility , and for an apparatus this size it was essential to have an independent power source so that adjustments could be carried out in the event of failure .
22 A variety of major improvements will be carried out in the West Granton , Pilton , Muirhouse and Pennywell areas involving local residents .
23 Inspection and servicing of each of the platforms was to be carried out in the survey ship 's main docking bay .
24 They work by detecting the by-products of the vaginitis bacteria that cause its characteristic fishy smell , and can be carried out in the surgery in two minutes , thus avoiding the usual five to 10-day wait for lab test results — and prolonged discomfort .
25 The tests will be carried out in the specialist bone marrow unit , which is planning the world-first transplant on the boy at the centre of a legal tussle over the closure of the Westminster Children 's Hospital .
26 The tests will be carried out in the specialist bone marrow unit which is planning the world-first transplant on the boy .
27 Developments such as the restoration of the new apartment and the introduction of architectural lighting will be carried out in the spirit of the Waddesdon tradition .
28 This may be carried out in the candidate 's home country or in the overseas location .
29 Paragraph 4.15 of the non-technical summary rightly states : ’ there will be restrictions on the type of watersports that can be carried out in the Bay .
30 The scheme will be carried out in the town 's Ormesby and Marton West Beck area as part of an overall £2.8m project to safeguard low lying areas next to the beck .
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