Example sentences of "[be] allowed [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That 's why I 'm allowed to swim in the secret pool — a reward because her mother made me responsible for Aleena whenever she 's on the Mantela . ’
2 Under Clifford , Palmer bided his time , keeping to himself his misgivings about the governor 's achievements in centralization , and exerting himself openly only to oppose Clifford 's proposal that lawyers should be allowed to plead in the provincial courts , thereby unacceptably diluting what had been under Lugard the Resident 's almost unrestricted jurisdiction over them .
3 President Snegur stated that Russian officers living in the Dnestr region would be allowed to serve in the Moldovan national armed forces , and that units of these armed forces would be stationed in eastern Moldova ( i.e. the Dnestr republic ) .
4 Mrs Woods , of Bridlington , refused to send Tommy back to school until she was guaranteed he would be allowed to sit with the other children .
5 According to The Times of June 24 ministers also disagreed on whether the Soviet Union should be allowed to borrow from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( EBRD ) in excess of its borrowing limit of 6 per cent — the same as its shareholding in the bank .
6 So far , I have managed to restrain myself from putting pen to paper to put a balance to the view emanating from the media and their very well-paid political hacks that Tom Clarke can not be allowed to continue as the parliamentary leader of the Scottish Labour Party in Parliament .
7 Whether local government would be allowed to go through the same process is difficult to say .
8 On the horns of the Bull Ring dilemma : The people of Birmingham should be allowed to vote on the future development of their city , Jonathan Glancey believes
9 In return , Dove Trading International would be allowed to spend inside the Soviet Union profits from the sales of the goods calculated at Rbs140,000 million .
10 The 16-point plan presented by the rebels at this meeting had been rejected by the government , but on Oct. 15 Chissano announced that MNR rebels would be allowed to stand in the 1991 elections if they renounced violence and laid down their arms .
11 If Morrissey ca n't be allowed to write in the third person using a character , without people automatically assuming the views expressed are his own , then we 've got problems too .
12 The council said its previous attempts to stop Sunday trading at a variety of businesses had been unsuccessful and the Trust would be allowed to trade until the High Court hearing which could be ‘ months away . ’
13 The campaign is run by environmental communications group WBMG , which says it wants to spread debate about whether Thorp should be allowed to operate outside the environmental movement .
14 It was also decided that joint stock companies would be permitted and that foreign-owned ventures would be allowed to operate on the same terms as domestically owned firms .
15 Progress towards the phased return to civilian rule continued in 1990 with the registration in May of the two political parties which would be allowed to operate in the Third Republic , the lifting of the ban on party politics at local level in June , and the holding of local elections in December [ see p. 37908 ] .
16 An attacking enemy could be allowed to break through the outer gates and would find that he was surrounded by walls and towers which were every bit as impregnable as those outside .
17 Tory backbenchers who never liked the duopoly solution are determined to get the Energy department to unpick its handiwork , either by making National Power and PowerGen , more evenly sized companies or insisting that one or more new generating firms should be allowed to compete in the British market .
18 A weightlifter who was sent home from the Barcelona Olympics after failing a drugs test WILL be allowed to compete in the next games .
19 Earlier , Conte had defended his decision to limit to two the number of political parties which would initially be allowed to function under the promised multiparty system , saying that the CMRN rejected " both any anarchic multiparty system that divides the people , and a single party that leads to individual or group dictatorship " .
20 Premises might be allowed to deteriorate by the proposed assignee .
21 Kahane , born in New York in 1932 , had founded the Jewish Defence League ( JDL ) there in 1968 , organizing defence patrols , clashing frequently with Black Nationalists , and campaigning for Jews to be allowed to emigrate from the Soviet Union .
22 The females are allowed to mate on the third day ( 6 ) .
23 Even though both currencies are allowed to fluctuate within the wide 6 p.c. bands not available to other monetary units , the escudo shot right to the ceiling of its band — pushing sterling close to its floor .
24 White may be a very good player and Wilko could have ‘ fancied him ’ , but Rocky should not have been allowed to go in the opposite direction , and as for the ‘ Cantona thing ’ I think that decision will haunt Wilkinson to the grave .
25 Those doubts and attacks have been allowed to return in the modern era following the dissolution of theocratic ideas that have supposed a particular religious belief to be an essential ingredient of sound political organisation .
26 The farm worker has been allowed to participate in the modern world only sparingly , hesitantly and distrustfully .
27 Civilisation , which is wholly controlled by man himself , should never have been allowed to develop without the unquestioning acceptance of the inexorable power of the evolutionary process itself to lay down the basic pattern of human behaviour .
28 It would reveal not only the acceptance of cruelty , suffering , destruction , fighting , massacring , torturing and other terrible acts that humanity as a whole instinctively condemns , but also the corruption , superstition , misrepresentation of the truth and love of pomp and elaborate ritual that has been allowed to flourish within the powerful hierarchies built up to control the various churches within the religions .
29 A government communiqué was also reported to have ruled out the possibility of FARC and ELN delegates being allowed to sit in the new Constituent Assembly to be elected in December .
30 " You should be thankful for the privilege of being allowed to broadcast to the British Nation . "
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