Example sentences of "[be] thought [verb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 According to Dominique Collon , they are solar rays and are thought to represent the destructive aspect of the sun .
2 They are thought to represent the manometric equivalent of colonic mass movements that were first described by radiologists at the turn of the century .
3 This supposition has been overshadowed by the ‘ Vendobionta ’ hypothesis , in which Ediacaran animals are thought to constitute an extinct clade of multicellular eukaryotes , neither diploblast nor triploblast , with a unique construction of tough cuticle and mattress-like body , and possibly the absence of alimentary tract , musculature and nervous tissue .
4 Classically , endotoxins are thought to play a central part in gram-negative sepsis by their induction of toxic amounts of cytokines , which cause the clinical symptoms .
5 Goats appear to be more susceptible to infection than sheep and are thought to play a prominent role in the dissemination of infection where both are grazed together .
6 The precise aetiology remains unclear but fibroblasts and myofibroblasts are thought to have a central role , and superoxide free radicals might be the stimulus to myofibroblast proliferation .
7 ( By way of contrast , the Social Science institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences , such as IMEMO and Arbatov 's Institute of the USA and Canada , are thought to have a minor input into the policy-making process ) .
8 The different fragrances are thought to have an improving effect on a variety of physical and emotional problems .
9 Taken together these points have been thought to indicate a steady take-over of secular functions by the Merovingian episcopate , and thus to presage the emergence of a group of effectively independent episcopal states by the early eighth century , of which that of Savaric of Auxerre is the best documented .
10 Conventionalism 's negative claim might also be thought to serve the popular ideal in a different way , though this depends on adding a set of claims about how judges should decide hard cases when convention has run out .
11 At the same time , the article is tainted by what seems to be a desire to inflict damage on Levi 's reputation , of a kind which may be thought to serve the ideological tendency of the magazine in which it appeared .
12 Any such artefact may seek either to proclaim or to hide the material used and the constraints the material has imposed upon the technological process : a mask may be thought to incorporate the spiritual properties of the wood from which it is taken ; a group of people may refuse to purchase an item known to be of seal skin ; a plastic may seek to copy a more traditional material ; the gold from which an object is made may have far greater significance than the actual form into which it has been hammered .
13 The two poems could be thought to occupy a common ground which goes some way beyond topography , and includes a stretch of the common ground occupied by imitation .
14 While this might be thought to have a major impact , the effects would have been lessened if the cremating was carried out at dispersed homes .
15 The destructive sadist might well be thought to have an essential self-hatred , even a death-wish which he or she projects on to others in the infliction of damage .
16 However , just as the latter might be thought to have an intuitive grasp of affairs automotive which ought to be taken into account by anyone prone to theorising about the motor car , so it is conceivable that the way theoretical physicists regard the objects of their study might be a factor to be taken into account in assessing their significance .
17 Later , under Roman occupation , they maintained with unbreakable courage their strict monotheism ; so much so that the Roman governor did not even dare to bring his standards into Jerusalem lest the medallions on them depicting the emperor should be thought to infringe the Second Commandment .
18 Secondly , it will be examined why , granted the profit maximisation objective , the profits should accrue to the shareholders , as opposed , for example , to the employees : if considerations of efficiency underscore the shareholders ' current position of preeminence , then this may be thought to provide a justificatory foundation for shareholder rights within a public interest framework .
19 If each local community offered a different menu of public goods expenditures , then each individual could be thought to select the local community that provided a level of output corresponding to his or her preferences .
20 The varied articles presented introduce the reader to some of the most recent strands of linguistics and literary studies but they can not be thought to constitute a unified discipline .
21 Insofar as the section enables instructions to be given well in advance of the public assembly , it might be thought to augment the existing powers , since the breach of the peace ( or other disorder ) may be some days distant when the conditions ( which must be in writing when they are given in advance ) are issued .
22 In 1755 Rousseau 's discovery of the noble savage had made some men think twice before dismissing the barbaric out of hand , and Milton 's ‘ arched walks of twilight groves ’ were thought to resemble the aspiring arches of the Gothic church .
23 It was found that 22 per cent of the whole group of children were thought to need a substitute family ; and permanent substitute families were being sought for nearly three-quarters of these .
24 These inadequacies of structure in turn were thought to have a bad effect on the efficient delivery of local government services , and on the ability of citizens to understand the role of local democracy .
25 The double-headed eagle is thought to represent the united empires of the east and the west .
26 The condition is thought to represent an aberrant HLA class II restricted immune response , mediated by antigen specific T cells sensitive to certain cereal peptides .
27 As Mason , the British heavyweight champion , has been brought forward along similar lines , his career nourished mainly by opponents who showed little inclination to remain upright , it should be clear that Biggs is thought to represent an ideal opportunity for advancement .
28 His appointment is thought to herald a tougher security policy particularly so since it was announced that the back bench
29 Calcium ionophore treatment is thought to mimic the natural signal responsible for the editing out of self-active T cells in the thymus .
30 A region-wide council is thought to remain a strong option .
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