Example sentences of "[be] required [to-vb] [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I if I can just remind participants of what we said in our original objection , that further justification will be required to demonstrate that the level of detail proposed in the deposited policy H two is not incompatible with P P G three and does not involve over detailed or unduly restrictive policy guidance .
2 If the order includes provision for medical or psychiatric examination or treatment he may be required to ensure that the child complies ( see below ) .
3 Measures may be required to ensure that the patient 's skin is in the best possible condition for healing to take place ( e.g. general hygiene and nutrition are important ) .
4 On Oct. 15 the government prevented a convoy of trucks carrying medicine and food raised by charities for Iraqi children from leaving Amman on the grounds that UN permission would be required to ensure that the shipment did not break sanctions .
5 The number of ferrets needed , though , is really governed by the size of the warrens you may be required to work and the density of the burrows within that ground .
6 3 The existence of an interest which merits protection The employer will be required to show that the restraint protects a valid interest : see Morris ( Herbert ) Ltd v Saxelby [ 1916 ] 1 AC 688 " a proprietary right " .
7 If the prosecutor were required to prove that the assailant knew or was reckless about the question whether his victim was a policeman , it might occasionally be that the assailant would escape conviction of the section 51 charge .
8 Before a new stationary source could begin operation , state or federal inspectors were required to certify that the pollution controls would function adequately .
9 ‘ That you ’ Proof of the identity of an accused exposing his/her person may be difficult and apart from an admission a witness is required to say that the man/woman in the court dock is the person who exposed their person .
10 A longitudinal health study of this population is required to see if the incidence of other childhood cancers is increased .
11 A statement about the sequence is given ( that is , ‘ B does not follow A ’ or ‘ A precedes B ’ ) ; the subject is required to answer if the statement is true or false .
12 Secondly , continuing analysis is required to determine whether the content of the rules in general , and their application to particular areas , is being pitched at the ‘ right ’ level .
13 The tribunal is required to determine whether the employer acted reasonably or unreasonably in treating the established reason for dismissal as sufficient reason for dismissing the employee , having regard to equity and the substantial merits of the case and to the size and administrative resources of the employer 's undertaking .
14 The SCFW is required to show that the change in financial wealth represents the difference between the entity 's opening and closing equity for the period , after taking into account prior period adjustments and contributions from owners .
15 Since output can not be increased above Q , a price P 2 higher than c is required to ensure that the quantity demanded is no larger than the maximum available quantity that can be supplied .
16 In some charts a distinction is made , in terms of the reliability of the child 's performance , so that the practitioner is required to indicate whether the child regularly demonstrates the particular skill or only sometimes .
17 For example , health authorities are required to demonstrate that the care of patients and the services they receive have been considered in any project appraisal .
18 Yet , under the proposals , auditors are required to consider whether the disclosures of matter giving rise to a going concern uncertainty are adequate for the accounts to give a true and fair view .
19 Furthermore , with more women seeking to enter the profession — almost 70% of the Institute 's female membership is under the age of 35 , while 36% of its students currently training are women — more initiatives are required to ensure that the investment in training is not wasted and that the economic value of a vital resource is fully realised .
20 The likely misery he faced was recognised in a lengthy legal document that he was required to sign before the deed was done .
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