Example sentences of "[be] necessary [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When Donald examined his wire in the last stages of the illness it might be necessary to lead him to a medical textbook and steer those calm , grey eyes in the direction of the chapter headed ‘ The Guillain-Barré Syndrome ’ .
2 Should you wish to paint hardwood for the first time , it will be necessary to coat it with an aluminium primer .
3 For example , if a trade is wrongly allocated , it may be necessary to transfer it to the correct account .
4 If the phototransistor detector is picking up mains lights — especially from a fluorescent tube — there may be a buzzing sound from the loudspeaker and it would be necessary to shield it from the light to prevent this from happening .
5 A properly signed and endorsed witness statement will carry more weight than a transcript should it be necessary to admit it under the Civil Evidence Act in the event of the witness being unable to give evidence at trial .
6 If a downpipe is damaged , it may be necessary to remove it from the wall and to replace ( or repair ) lengths and remake the joints .
7 I would like to thank all the members erm , who 've served on that committee and indeed the officers who 've worked for it , because a lot of the background work and a lot of the er , consultation with departments has been necessary to get us to the erm , reasonably satisfactory stage we 're at , considering the ext extremely severe restrictions on government ex , er , on local government spending , er resulting from the cap .
8 To execute most commands it is necessary to move it into the Command Area as the first step in selecting a command .
9 Before describing the opportunities and shortcomings of such structures for conversion to domestic use , it is necessary to say something about the process of grinding grain to produce flour , because the anatomy of these buildings was dictated by this process .
10 As a preliminary to this , it is necessary to describe something of the historical background to interwar West Ham .
11 Life has changed radically since then and fresh thought is necessary to carry us into the 21st century .
12 The quality of obscenity inheres whenever the article would tend to corrupt its actual or potential audience ; the degree of that corruption becomes relevant when it is necessary to balance it against the public interest , if a " public good " defence has been raised under s4 of the Act .
13 Even when there are no covenants by a buyer , if the purchase is in joint names execution by the buyers is necessary to commit them to the terms on which they hold the property as set out in the transfer .
14 But in order to appreciate Derrida 's critique of these issues , it is necessary to know something of the position from which he makes it .
15 However , the farm worker rarely achieves what is necessary to bring himself before the attention of the public .
16 It will be clear by now why , in order to study historically located forms of popular music , it is necessary to place them within the context of the whole music historical field .
17 But before writing to her friend of the matter , the queen-dowager debated whether or not it was necessary to burden her with the knowledge .
18 Admittedly the notes were signed by the appellant and not disputed but the evidence was necessary to link him with the assault .
19 He argued that rational people drawing up a just social contract would only be willing to grant governments the power to punish to the extent that was necessary to protect themselves from the crimes of others .
20 It was necessary to rest it on the lap because it was too heavy for her to hold up , which meant she had to sit leaning forward in order to read .
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