Example sentences of "[be] brought [adv prt] into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Xerox 's Documenter , essentially a single 6085 workstation running ViewPoint with a dedicated page printer , has recently been brought back into the fold through the introduction of a low-cost local area network .
2 In one particularly telling scene between Kathie and her mother Nell ( Brenda de Banzie ) , the issues of sexual relations between Black and White people , and ‘ mixed race ’ children are brought out into the open .
3 Practising kung fu puts a person in touch with himself or herself ; his or her own failings are brought out into the open .
4 Furthermore , if documents of transfer for certain assets are executed outside the United Kingdom stamp duty will not be payable until the documents are brought back into the United Kingdom .
5 And then er they returned the line , or double track round here , er and bringing so goods wagons could be brought round into the sort of unloading area er of 's mill .
6 In this way , provided they are given guidance on the type and volume of work expected , schools could be brought back into the mainstream of assessing their own pupils ' work instead of being totally dependent on the success or failure of the guessing games they play with the examiner .
7 The County Council I full well remember some four years ago made a decision that once a site had been in peril , once a decision was made it should n't be brought back into the arena again .
8 Businesses that have sponsored for more than three years will also be brought back into the scheme .
9 The only question is whether Mike Ford will be brought back into the team after suspension .
10 But the danger of a centre party came not from McKenna but from the Unionist ex-Coalitionists , led by Austen Chamberlain , who had twice previously been Chancellor , and who , if he was to be brought back into the fold , would clearly require some substantial offer .
11 That I should back off from a story that I know needs to be brought out into the open ?
12 Shield-hung hurdles were brought out into the field , and bowmen and slingshot-throwers behind them began to shred the trees with a descending curtain of missiles .
13 You thought that might lie behind Mahmoud being brought back into the Zoser case .
14 One way of overcoming this is by spinning a large-area sample of the solid in the laser beam , so that any individual spot is irradiated for a short time only , and is able to cool before being brought back into the beam .
15 After the year 's training , he was brought back into the company as group finance director .
16 But it was only after Philip 's seizure of Aquitaine ( in 1293–4 ) that this response was brought out into the open .
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