Example sentences of "[be] found [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Science , for Freud , involves an open-mindedness , and a preparedness to discard ideas and theories if they are found wanting in the light of later research work .
2 These characteristic ideas of functionalism are found running throughout the theories of sociological positivism , evolutionary social theories , and pragmatism .
3 She did not pay the £600 for renewal of her patent and the day after it was due was ordered by magistrates to be detained in the county lunatic asylum at Caxlodge , near Newcastle , having been found wandering by the police .
4 He explained that the young puffin had been found wandering in the village with a damaged wing , probably having been mauled by one of the many cats in the neighbourhood ( most of whom , incidentally , have six toes on each foot ) and he said that he would look after Eyvør for some weeks until it was well enough to be released .
5 Baboons have been found living in the wild in Spain 's Cadiz province .
6 Grandma had been found floating in the stream at the bottom of the garden — that lovely little stream , so sparkling and full of life .
7 He had come aboard at Kenora , he said , because the body of a groom from this train called Ricky had been found lying beside the railway lines near Thunder Bay .
8 If whatever happened to Summerchild that year had n't happened — if he had n't been found lying with the garbage in Spring Gardens — if Millie had n't stopped playing in the orchestra — if I 'd gone on seeing her week by week — grown up with her — become easy with her — married her — then Timmy would still have a mother at home .
9 Leys can often be found passing through the pond and the church in a village and it is always worth trying this out where the pond seems ancient .
10 Once molecules have learnt to compete and to create other molecules in their own image , elephants , and things resembling elephants , will in due course be found roaming through the countryside .
11 Some of these engines ran for well over a century before being discarded , and particularly fine and huge specimens can be found operating at the Kew steam engine museum .
12 The main focus of his activity on the king 's behalf during this period was the court of King 's Bench , but he can also be found speaking for the king in the Common Bench as well .
13 At one moment Beveridge can be found looking to the exchanges for the ‘ discouragement ’ of ‘ blind-alley ’ work , but he also warned against starting out with ‘ the idea of rigidly prescribing all but the best employments …
14 In the late 1260s and early 1270s he is to be found acting as the business agent of the west midland baron John de Verdun .
15 The last thing she needed was to be found trespassing in the Baron 's private grounds .
16 From time immemorial it was a commonly held belief in Gaelic Scotland that where a disease occurred there would be found growing in the locality of its prevalence a plant which would cure that disease .
17 Virtually all infections , be they sexually transmitted or not , provoke the formation of antibodies , some of which can be found circulating in the blood-stream .
18 In the same year , when a judge confronted with a boy burglar at the London Sessions was to be found pontificating against the cinema as ‘ a grave danger to the community ’ which was ‘ responsible for the downfall of many young people ’ , the prosecutor jokingly remarked that ‘ it was perhaps an example of retributive justice that one of the houses broken into belonged to a cinematograph proprietor ’ .
19 He was to be found lurking in the band 's dressing room whenever they ventured into Mancunian territory , which was often .
20 She sits down in a quiet room , provided at public expense , and begins to lecture a man who is shortly to be found dying by the dustbins .
21 They claim thousands of dogs are currently having to be put down after being found wandering on the streets around the country .
22 That same evening , their corpses — minus their shoes and socks — were found lying on the beach at Ramlet al-Baida by the Beirut station manager of British Airways .
23 Gabriel-Ernest 's clothes were found lying in the road .
24 In 1911 a man dressed in buckskin and simply known as Ishi ( Graham Greene ) is found foraging in the bins outside a California slaughterhouse .
25 Several hours later Pask was found wandering in the University grounds wearing a floral skirt and bathing costume taken from his victim 's room .
26 The child , with curly blonde hair , was found wandering in the hospital 's maternity unit on Wednesday night .
27 I mean one lady was found wandering in the street !
28 The toddler , aged about two , was found wandering inside the maternity unit of Arrowe Park Hospital , Wirral , with a heartbreaking note pleading for ‘ a new mummy ’ to be found for her .
29 Is this the man who took the little orphaned son of the brigand Dhoondiah Waugh into his household after he was found hiding on the battlefield amongst the baggage of his defeated father ?
30 He pleads not guilty to murder but opening the prosecution at Liverpool Crown Court , Rodney Klevan QC said : ‘ Paula was found hanging by the neck from a rope .
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