Example sentences of "[be] looking at the [noun sg] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Next week we shall be looking at the impact these methods of delivering care have upon such varied areas of our professional life as advocacy , ethics , accountability and assertiveness .
2 Were looking at the body beautiful and what we do to achieve it , we all arrived in the world with more or less the same package of features , limbs , faces , torso 's , since then , all of us I bet have tried to improve or disguise the way we look , what do we do ? , why do we do it ? , well let's start with a few questions , er , are you , well let me ask you this do you have a beautiful body ? , button one for yes , and button two for no
3 I was I was looking at the syllabus last night and I was working out how much we 've got to do yet and where we are an and I really do feel confident that no matter where you are in your course work situation , that if w if we planned the thing right and we sort it out between now and the summer , tha that we could well get a good few Grade A's in here and obviously work it well .
4 Yeah I was looking at the petrol driven ones .
5 As you know it , this is the last I 'm sure everyone 's aware it 's the last item on your agenda when I was looking at the agenda this item was before the fox hunting motion I thought well it 'd be nice to have a debate before the fox hunting motion because we would have er a full house of people who I 'm sure would be very interested to hear the discussion on V A T. As matter of fact I 'm sure they would w w would welcome the opportunity to have a de , a discussion , but it seems they have gone and I got , I got it wrong Chairman when you by taking the the the fox hunting motion it should really have , have held on till this time in the evening .
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