Example sentences of "[be] the need [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The most common problem has been the need to replace the joints between the 15 or 20 metre spans of the road .
2 The worst feature of the recession has been the need to reduce the number of staff , including some with very long service .
3 It could be the need to preserve the secrecy of a class of documents .
4 There will be the need to relocate the trees and shrubs which currently bound the forestry and conservation site on its western side .
5 A secondary factor may be the need to protect the public by guaranteeing a certain minimum level of competence before the trainee begins to practise ( in both senses of the word ! ) .
6 It could be the need to protect the identity of informants .
7 The whole pointless exercise , the sense of being marginalised , can be what sends a mother back to work , although the declared reason will be the need to boost the family income .
8 The procedures employed to conduct the second multi-agency enumeration survey were similar to those adopted in the first survey , the main differences being the need to revise the agencies employed to enumerate problem drug users ( see Parker et al .
9 Other issues at the forefront of government policy during 1990 were the need to reinstate the country in the international community and the necessity of dealing with mounting internal pressure for social justice from the majority of the people , who had been excluded from the " economic miracle " which took place under Pinochet 's rule .
10 More critical for our present concern ( which is the need to explain the context-specificity of latent inhibition ) is the fact that latent inhibition can be abolished by a change of context even when the test context is fully familiar , provided that pre-exposure to the test context and the target stimulus have taken place separately .
11 ‘ Of even greater importance is the need to restore the link between earnings and pensions .
12 I think there 's only one other point which I 'd I 'd like to make and that concerns the the programme re-orientation and the cost implications of that er one aspect of programme re-orientation which we 've been conscious of is the need to preserve the delivery dates of the first production standard aircraft to the Royal Air Force and Italian Air Force in the year two thousand .
13 The most problematic aspects of a modern concept of citizenship is the need to promote the sense of national identity or in some way to secure that citizens experience a sense of belonging to the state and the state belonging to them .
14 I believe an important issue for all of us in the run up to and throughout the seventy fifth birthday , is the need to increase the understanding and raise the profile and the value placed upon our work in the United Kingdom .
15 The second is the need to address the communication requirements of the churches in Eastern Europe .
16 The conclusion that Nizan draws from this is the need to displace the focus of attention in the novel away from an outdated preoccupation with individual psychology and to direct the reader 's attention to the complex interaction between the public and the private spheres , to focus in short on the tragic destiny that links the individual to his social group and his social environment.66 Special attention , in other words , was to be paid to the political and social dimension of human existence .
17 One of the main reasons for this is the need to maintain the quality of the front-line services to the membership in the face of much higher volumes of telephone and fax traffic .
18 Primary education certainly needs to review its professional procedures , but far more pressing is the need to review the ideas which such procedures seek to implement .
19 There is the need to protect the anonymity of public servants whose loyalty to different political leaders must not be jeopardized by public exposure .
20 There is the need to protect the state against internal and external subversion .
21 Another reason for developing the alliance portfolio is the need to broaden the product range offered to customers .
22 Where , then , is the need to harness the concept of marriage to suit their needs ?
23 In addition to the problems raised by the battle of the forms , there is the need to consider the relationship between prime contract conditions and subcontract conditions .
24 That is the need to consider the words of the statute , and the contending interpretations , in the light of the contextual scene or setting .
25 The second important lesson which Margaret Donaldson has taught us is the need to consider the situation from the child 's point of view .
26 More serious was the need to drive the car between twenty and thirty miles an hour .
27 However fascinating the ‘ social gospel ’ has proved to historians , it was not the most important aspect of the ministry to Nonconformity : this was the need to improve the quality of ministers ' education in order to equip them for the position they had achieved in English life .
28 In practical terms what was at stake was the need to close the price scissors , as Trotsky termed it , that is , the disparity between the high prices for industrially produced consumer goods and means of production , compared to the prevailing world market prices , and the prices being paid for agricultural produce .
29 One feature which did unite the profession was the need to retain the market for private practitioners and not allow lawyers from neighbourhood law centres to encroach :
30 The immediate impetus for the agreement was the need to relax the blockade , which was causing immense hardship to the island 's 120,000 population and which , according to some estimates , had resulted in the deaths of as many as 3,000 people .
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