Example sentences of "[be] send [adv] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this discussion we want to concentrate on one aspect of marking : how the source file can be sent electronically to the marker and how the marker can make use of this electronic form .
2 Eventually it was agreed between Elizabeth Woodville and Anne 's mother that Anne would remain in London , at least for the time being — but that for safety 's sake , and lest her true identity be recognized , she should be sent secretly to the Abbey of the Minoresses which stood only a short distance from the Tower .
3 Boo Radley got himself into trouble and although the punishment inflicted on him was in no way severe or a major disgrace , his father decided that it would embarrass the family to have his son be sent away to the school that the punishment intended .
4 Applications and curriculum vitae with the names and telephone numbers of two referees should be sent immediately to The Media Officer , ICT , PO Box 32047 , Braamfontein , South Africa 2017 .
5 It prints personalised tickets for customers , seating plans and passenger details for train stewards and credit card and cheque details which can be sent straight to the bank .
6 He knew he had simplified the matter when he said the six thousand would be sent abroad to the War — simplified it and coloured it blood-red .
7 The law of that state as to the service of documents originating abroad may permit documents to be sent directly to the defendant without the use of any local official acting as intermediary , or it may insist on the documents passing through , for example , the court having jurisdiction at the defendant 's place of residence , the parquet attached to that court , or a huissier practising in the relevant area .
8 Birmingham Law Society suggested that redemption monies could be sent directly to the sellers lender by the buyer 's solicitor .
9 A copy of this message is being sent directly to the President of the United States . ’
10 He nodded , and the condemned men were sent away to the starvation bunker .
11 In a pre-dawn raid on June 29 troops stormed the university campus ; 34 campus residents were detained and about 1,000 were sent away to the provinces .
12 I had once taken hold of a piece of rock , and was about to trust my whole weight upon , it , when it loosened from its bed , and I should have been sent headlong to the bottom had I not instinctively snatched hold of a tuft of grass , which grew close by it , and was so firm as to save me .
13 The malt is send directly to the ship by overhead conveyor from the silo block .
14 One of them is enclosed in the letters written by the same ship , another bill is sent overland to the factor or party to whom the goods are consigned , the third remaineth with the merchant , for his testimony against the master , if there were any occasion for loose dealing ; but especially it is kept for to serve in case of loss , to recover the value of the goods of the assurors that have undertaken to bear the adventure with you .
15 A teaching pack was sent separately to the teacher for her use in this project .
16 We suspect the text of this song was sent late to the printer with some such direction as ‘ Put this in after the Dialogue of Coridon and Mopsa ’ — exactly the kind of wording used with ‘ Ye gentle spirits of the air ’ — and the printer did literally that , not realizing that the Dance of Haymakers belonged to the Dialogue .
17 An appendix to the report dealing with possible breaches of the criminal law was not released to the public but was sent directly to the state 's director of public prosecutions .
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