Example sentences of "[be] live [prep] a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Undoubtedly we are living through a period of considerable political instability , in which there is a complex ‘ crisis of legitimacy ’ ( to use Habermas ' expression ) not only in the capitalist societies but also in the former communist societies of Eastern Europe , and in many countries of the Third World ; but the crisis works itself out through an international system of relationships , and such events as the overthrow of President Allende 's government in Chile , or American and Soviet military intervention in various regions of the world in the postwar period , can not be fully comprehended unless they are seen in the setting of global political conflicts .
2 It thinks it 's a civil war , a rebellion , and that we are living in a part of the universe occupied by the rebel .
3 Lewis could state boldly , as we have seen , that Christianity believes that there is a civil war on , a rebellion , ‘ and that we are living in a part of the universe occupied by the rebel ’ ( Lewis 1942 : 46 ) .
4 We can see hunger , destitution , torture ; we are living in a state of war .
5 Foucault describes how we are living in a world of endless insatiable chatter about sex which feeds on the illusion that if we question Sex enough it will reveal its Truths .
6 We are living in a world of dwindling timber resources , and Gerwyn believes that we are going to have to turn back to using what 's around us .
7 To the extent that Catholic Secondary School pupils have received the Sacraments of Initiation and are living in a community of faith , catechesis can validly be said to be a function of the Catholic School .
8 This week Tom has been living on a glass of water , half a cup of tea and just one small dinner a day .
9 You see , for months he 's been living on a diet of Minpins , and a thousand Minpins is not even a snack for him .
10 Since Tuesday , when I went to tea with Ivy , I have been living in a dream of confusion and discomfort .
11 He has been living in a succession of ANC havens .
12 Erm , I do n't think that er , in structural terms therefore a , a change of government would er , make a great deal , a difference , then you come to er , the general effect of a , a change of government er , I think at the moment we 're living in a situation of uncertainty and er , a clear majority erm , for any party would probably from a business point of view erm , remove the uncertain short term .
13 He seemed to have his head in the clouds , to be living in a dream of gold .
14 My dear , you are on the young side — I am only stating a fact , the kind of fact the world sees — to be living in a kind of bachelor 's establishment , so naturally one asks oneself where is that mysterious lady , her mother ?
15 I imagined the witchdoctor would be living in a village of several rondavels surrounded by reed hedges .
16 It was another hot windless day , and they were living in a bowl of milky haze and smog , so that the blue only began perhaps twenty degrees above the horizon .
17 We were living in a period of change and he wanted to avoid the danger of rejecting courses of action merely because they had been considered and turned down on some earlier occasion during his leadership .
18 ‘ I think he is living in a bit of a dream world .
19 She was only half aware that Rachel was heavily subsidising her rent , because she was living in a part of London and a sort of house so different from her friends that she had no easy comparisons .
20 He explained that since France was living in a period of rapid economic , technological , political , and diplomatic change , she needed a government which could provide sustained and effective leadership .
21 ‘ At this time , I was living in a sort of Walter Mitty world .
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