Example sentences of "waited for the " in BNC.

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1 Our business is personal with him and if you get between us — ’ The factor waited for the threat but a tall cloaked figure standing beside Menzies had pulled his arm to forestall him .
2 Cameron waited for the minister to finish his ritual of nodding and handshaking with the congregation .
3 Analysing the difference between Labour and the Tories , Mr Kinnock said that while Labour planned ahead for the future , the Government waited for the future to come and hit them .
4 Later I found out that a standby wife had got halfway down the aisle before turning back , remorseful at abandoning her husband , leaving one empty seat — my seat , I brooded , as I waited for the next flight . )
5 All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind as I waited for the explosion in our midst .
6 He said that the Queen eagerly waited for the bishop to show some of his eccentricities but , ‘ fortunately or unfortunately ’ he had acted with the utmost decorum .
7 Once , at Milan airport , we were herded to the gate and corralled in an area almost big enough for half of us , then shifted to a bus with six seats and standing room for forty , in which the one hundred and twenty of us stood and waited for the idiot who always arrives twenty minutes late despite having been called ten times and being the subject of an Interpol missing persons search .
8 Misjudge a change point , drop much below 3500rpm and the engine felt flat , even sluggish , as it waited for the turbo to come on strong again .
9 The Sergeant waited for the drum-roll to die away , and for a drunk , shouting incoherently , to be dragged through a grim looking door .
10 He stood listening as they crossed the hall and waited for the sound of the lift gates closing .
11 We lined up , dispatching practice balls into the shimmering blue yonder with ill-disguised pride and waited for the Master to work his way along , one of us on video duty all the while .
12 I crumpled this ticket and waited for the next to be called .
13 All sounds were muffled except the song of the birds and the pigeons were puffed up , looking as if they were wearing greatcoats , as they waited for the generous breakfast which they knew Jane would bring out to them .
14 I was in a very black and negative mood , I remember , and waited for the trapeze artists to fall and kill themselves , for the female contortionist to twist herself into such a knot of meat that she would never get disentangled .
15 At the Lock , Marie sat in a hollow in the sand-hills by the canal and waited for the magic to start ; she waited for everything to be made all right .
16 I found myself a nice bit of grass with a backrest against a tree trunk and waited for the show to begin .
17 Other boxers would have tried to cause the maximum damage , but Eubank calmly waited for the referee to do his job properly and stop the fight .
18 Mungo admired Emily 's patience as she waited for the right moment to mention his proposition .
19 He smile in bewilderment at a succession of ads — the psychoprofile of mankind , he thought — and waited for the programme to begin .
20 If in past decades we waited for the telegram to arrive , it did not lessen the shock , but it did prepare us for the event .
21 On Monday morning , I stood in a queue at the Diamond , and waited for the Dublin coach .
22 There was talk of resignations as they waited for the opinion polls .
23 In the National Liberal Club last night , party activists were busy savouring the mathematic soup stirred up by television exit polls as they waited for the results to roll in .
24 Another three weeks passed as I waited for the reassuring ‘ chit ’ .
25 He closed his eyes and waited for the pupils to widen .
26 Reloading the Walther , he waited for the lavatory to flush before going through to help the old man back to bed .
27 The Mother waited for the straggling child to catch up with her , and then she bent down , shouted something to it right up close against its face , and then hit it hard across the face with the back of her right hand .
28 While he waited for the bath to fill he went through the whole scene again in his head and congratulated himself for staying so calm .
29 Before the first series went out we got ourselves an established and admired distributor and waited for the programme sales cash to roll in .
30 I chose my family , and just waited for the big boys to come up to the Birkdale area .
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