Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] for the same reason " in BNC.

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1 Where employees are concerned , a minimum of 2,000 has been used for the same reason .
2 Armenia 's nuclear power station was closed in February 1989 because of earthquake fears , while construction of nuclear plants in Krasnodar and the Crimea had been terminated for the same reason , after popular protests and construction of several reactors of the Chernobyl type had also been halted .
3 Even more important was that the jungle habitat had been protected for the same reason .
4 Surface wiping above shoulder height should be avoided for the same reason .
5 The clearer articulation of the broader conception of legitimate expectation which is evident in recent cases is to be welcomed for the same reason .
6 You believe we were attacked for the same reason and probably by the same person .
7 Solutions ( 1 mM ) of olsalazine and colchicine ( 10 - 7 M ) were used for the same reason .
8 In the C2 event which followed , Andriev/Haralambie of Romania were disqualified for the same reason , the win going to Papke/Spelly of Germany .
9 He believed Everett had been murdered for the same reason Cunningham did .
10 In March 1940 he was expelled from the Labour Party , and the University Labour Federation , which represented students of Labour sympathies , was disaffiliated for the same reason .
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