Example sentences of "[be] [pron] [pron] call the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I suppose the British equivalent would be what we call the Stockbroker Belt , ’ she mused , ‘ although some of those have fared pretty badly recently .
2 This must be what they call the fog of war . ’
3 ‘ In the course of this process we have talked to Miss Morgan 's solicitor , who told us that she was the life tenant of a substantial estate , and that you are what they call the remainder-man . ’
4 He 's the bo he 's what they call the editor of the programme .
5 That 's what they call the Hamilton place . ’
6 Sorry , that 's what we call the Monday morning meeting where we discuss what 's going on .
7 ‘ It 's what I call the devil now , ’ explained Lydia recalling herself to the conversation .
8 ‘ I suppose this is what they call the fog of war , ’ she yelled .
9 He is what they call the middleclass , which we who were foolish used to laugh at .
10 But the fundamental part of any application is what we call the transaction integrity logic or the business rules which actually model the way you want to do business .
11 ‘ This is what we call the ABC moment , ’ says Garrett , ‘ Alive Below Crystal . ’
12 ‘ This , gentlemen , is what we call the Equalizer , ’ Cawthorne said , turning the gun from side to side .
13 ‘ This is what we call the Armoury , ’ bubbled Blufton .
14 And the regularity work , which is what we call the work on the accounts , the opinion on the accounts , the work seems very well , and the timetable that was agreed with er , the County Treasurer offices .
15 The first is , is a very good planning diary , it 's just automatic erm , A B and the third part of it , the last part is what we call the work organiser .
16 ‘ This is what we call the Corpus Callosum ; it 's the most complex computer in existence today .
17 This is what I call the strategy of non-decision , the decision that we will do nothing , that we wo n't harass the child , that we will give the child time to relax and move at his own pace , rather than determining the pace that we feel the child ought to be following .
18 ‘ This is what you call the laconicum ? ’ she asked , drawing back rather dubiously from the dank breath that distilled out of the earth .
19 That was what we call the man-killer .
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