Example sentences of "[be] [verb] access to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I also want to point out we have been refused access to the match referee 's and umpires ’ reports as to the reasons for the change of ball on August 23 . ’
2 Inside the coffin it is pitch dark and fouled with faeces because women confined there are refused access to a toilet .
3 For a modest annual fee , you 'll be given access to a wealth of local inspiration , and while you 're leafing through the trust 's reserves handbook , planning your ‘ research visits ’ for the coming seasons , you 'll be helping to ensure the survival of that unique ‘ library ’ of wild places .
4 New users will be given access to the whole of the Herbarium collection , to the living plant collection , to the Library , to the laboratories , and to the networked computerised information system .
5 This gov this government should support an application for all British yards to be given access to the intervention funding or shortly there will be no major ship building facilities at all in the U K , and hopefully no John Ma the i John Major either .
6 Women , the working class , Black and ethnic minority communities were at last to be given access to the language and the medium of the twentieth century .
7 If you are getting married at a particular church or synagogue you may be granted access to a library not normally opened to the public .
8 That report went to Resources sub-committee erm , and they should be allowed access to the plan , and continue their pension scheme .
9 Reasonableness is determined having regard to the principle that no person should unreasonably be denied access to a telecommuncation system ( ibid ) .
10 Is it open for parties to the Statute to decide that other States should either commit themselves to the Statute ( by complying with the Security Council conditions ) or be denied access to the Court , or must the agreement of all non-party States be obtained ?
11 IT WAS difficult for small independents to offer services like their Holiday Care system , which offered immediate help to holidaymakers , whatever the problem , like lost baggage or loans to cope with legal problems over cars in Spain , for which customers were given access to a phone numnber until 15 days after coming home .
12 Harvard Securities were paid to make a market in Towerbell Records , but as Tom Wilmot has pointed out , the dealer who sent that letter would not have known of the pending disaster since dealers were forbidden access to the firm 's corporate finance department by the so-called " Chinese walls " However Wilmot has sometimes blamed his dealers for breaching dealing regulations .
13 In return , Blackpool trams were granted access to the Company tracks as far as Lytham , but rarely exercised the privilege .
14 In Foca , 50 miles south of the Bosnian capital , Sarajevo , residents sought refuge in schools and hospitals and European Community monitors were refused access to the town as the Serbian-dominated federal army mopped up Muslim opposition .
15 Some of the demonstrators were denied access to the Diamond by police tenders drawn up across Shipquay Street but after a time the RUC withdrew altogether and the Diamond was filed by the vast crowd .
16 This was the plea of a young Eritrean boy as he was being dragged back to the plane that had just brought him to the UK , when in September 1990 , he and his sister were denied access to the asylum procedure .
17 Meanwhile , opposition groups continued to protest that they were being denied access to the country 's media , under the existing laws , since Serbia had yet to pass the necessary constitutional legislation permitting the formation of political parties other than the LCY .
18 Thus in [ 12 ] the hearer is given access to the entry for SPRINT .
19 The first is gaining access to the community in question .
20 The major role of the school librarian or resources manager is to provide access to the kind of information users require and especially in schools , to help users develop the skills which will enable them to identify the purpose of , find and use that information .
21 The problem of course is getting access to a machine and finding time to do all the viewing you want .
22 To be an international athlete , a top flight boxer or a first division footballer is to have access to a range of resources not available to the majority of the population .
23 If everyone is screened for genetic disorders , for which there may be no cures , what are those people then to do , and who is to have access to the information — prospective employers , insurers ?
24 Whether the researcher 's role is going to be covert or overt , the next problem is to gain access to the group being studied .
25 This was in 1976 , when the Expenditure Committee of the House of Commons was refused access to a programme analysis and review ( PAR ) study on educational planning which had been made available to the organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) and referred to at length in one of their publications .
26 He was denied access to a lawyer for over three weeks .
27 The genuine elected leadership of COLPROSUMAH was denied access to the union 's headquarters and to the union 's funds and dues , which the government passed to its puppet union .
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