Example sentences of "[be] [verb] in [art] present [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm delighted to learn that his advice has been sought in the present enterprise .
2 There seems to the writer little doubt that unemployment due to automation will grow steadily over the next few decades , perhaps centuries , and in the end it is likely to reach a very high figure , say ninety per cent of the labour force , unless radical changes are made in the present pattern of working .
3 However , for reasons previously stated these have not been used in the present design .
4 No such argument has been advanced in the present case , and their Lordships need say nothing about it .
5 The question then arises as to whether an error of law has been shown in the present case .
6 As it has been shown in the present study , the normal squamous columnar junction does not correspond to the distal end of the lower oesophageal sphincter , and it is located in the midportion of this sphincter , at a mean distance of 17 mm from its distal end measured by manometry .
7 The issues we are facing in the present crisis of faith touch on what I call the Square One Principle .
8 One church which has been restored in the present century , belonged to the Augustinian order of white canons .
9 Oh , she 's got all the answers up her sleeve I expect , but that has caused tremendous debt charges , which , at the moment , have to be paid , and whether we could find a private operator to take them on or not I do n't know , but private operators operate throughout the country and in many other of the districts within the county of Oxfordshire , and they operate efficiently and do just as good a job as the City Council are doing in the present situation .
10 Recommendations for reducing or eliminating the upland agriculture/nature conservation conflict in the UK are derived in the present chapter .
11 The advantage of this approach would be that it would enable a mixed economy to be operated i.e. some institutions be validated in the present way ; , others who were ‘ chartered ’ would not necessarily be accredited for all their courses in that their courses would be validated in the present ways .
12 The last type of critic to be distinguished in the present chapter will be the theoretician .
13 One other provision , the Control of Misleading Advertisements Regulations 1988 , will be considered in the present chapter .
14 My Lords , I thank my Noble Friend for that answer as far as it goes , however , is my Noble Friend aware that three important functions o of the British Library , namely the National Sound Archive , the Photographic Processing Unit , an and the er Conservation are er not going to be included this p or in other parts of London and can not be included in the present building .
15 For convenience , biographies will be included in the present chapter , while catalogues will be treated in the next .
16 The means by which establishments have been effected in this country are : by Royal or Parliamentary institution … or by a general subscription … or by subscriptions of substantial sums … subscribers become governors or directors of their own establishment … this latter seems to be the proper method to be adopted in the present case
17 Whether the same principle should be held to apply in the case of public authorities other than the Crown charged with the enforcement of the law falls to be decided in the present case .
18 ( 6–20 ) , may be seen in the present case to have the sign of
19 It was Mr. Newman 's submission that the matters to which regard should be had in the present case were ( 1 ) the lapse of time between the commission of the alleged offences and the request for extradition , and ( 2 ) the fact that the accusation against the applicant was contrary to the interests of justice , in that it would lead to the trial of the applicant in Sweden on the basis of the record of Price 's evidence , despite the fact that Price had subsequently retracted that evidence in this country in so far as it implicated the applicant .
20 Erm the erm th this shows Britain 's stockpile of , of uranium this is actually depleted uranium which can be used in the fast reactor but ca n't be used in the present type of er thermal reactors but what you see there is virtually the er all of it , th it 's , it 's erm stored at a place called erm er Capenhurst in , in Cheshire on the Wirral erm and erm there 's a few jars off the edge as you can see but basically that 's er that 's it and what you see there , in energy terms , represents erm the equivalent of our entire coal reserves .
21 The project follows up a previous ESRC supported research programme into the roles of expectations and feedbacks in empirical economics , which developed some of the new tools and computer software to be used in the present research .
22 It might also be permissible to reassign to a job at a lower grade if the employee can not be accommodated in the present job and there are no equivalent vacant positions .
23 Accordingly a minimum of £5 will be preferred in the present work , not so much as an arbitrary demarcation , but rather as one which should prompt us to seek further evidence to confirm the holder 's status .
24 As it can be noted in the present study , we avoided the use of this terminology .
25 A parallel with this behaviour can be found in the present study .
26 Treaty did not of itself prevent a member state from imposing an ownership residence requirement as a condition for exemption from the compulsory acquisition of land , could not be followed in the present case for three reasons : ( a ) in the Fearon case , the owners ' residence requirement was not coupled with any nationality requirement and the court indicated in paragraph 10 of the judgment , at pp. 3685–3686 , that its decision would have been different if it had been ; ( b ) in the Fearon case , the residence requirement was limited to legal owners of the land and did not extend to peripheral persons , such as those who had lent the owners money in order to buy the land ; and ( c ) from the point of view of its geographical scope , the residence requirement at issue in the Fearon case was framed in local rather than national terms .
27 In Sections 3.3 and 17.8 , we saw that the vortex street frequency has ranges of decreased regularity ; although these changes can be related to developments in the flow , there are tentative suggestions that they might also be viewed in the present context .
28 The principle that a mortgagee is entitled to add to the secured debt his costs , charges and expenses properly incurred is , therefore , firmly embedded in the law and is the principle underlying express contractual provisions such as those that must be construed in the present case .
29 That course could not be taken in the present case , because of a specific and unusual statutory provision which anticipated the kind of mistake which was made by the sentencer in this case .
30 The view expressed by Lawani & Bayer , that self-citations are used as an ego-enhancement , can not be tested in the present case , and should be rejected in the absence of evidence , because it is essential for an author to be able to refer back to the unpublished parts of theses .
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