Example sentences of "[be] [verb] ensure [that] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The context of speech-making and the techniques and conventions that have been developed ensure that many sides of a case are put at the same time as maintaining the proprieties due to different statuses .
2 They are intended to ensure that increased levels of interaction amongst Network members do not result in friction or embarrassment amongst Network members or the extensive use of other Network members ' resources on an unprofitable basis .
3 Detailed regulations are in place which are designed to ensure that all employees give the highest priority to the health and safety of themselves , and those around them .
4 He thought , not for the first time , that a system which required ministers to run their departments , fulfil their parliamentary responsibilities , and spend the weekend listening to the grievances of their constituents , might have been designed to ensure that major decisions were made by men and women tired to the point of exhaustion .
5 That code was to be developed to ensure that public transport met the needs of all passengers , including the disabled and that it worked efficiently in the consumers ' interest .
6 Adjustments may then be made to ensure that both tips are at the same height above the same point without the model being moved ( Fig.4.3 ) .
7 Likewise arrangements should be made to ensure that supplementary information will be available where required .
8 Either attempts can be made to ensure that corporate managers behave as profit-maximizers by making them responsive once again to the market ; or , alternatively , new life can be breathed into the legal model of the company so that managers are once again forced to act in the interests of the shareholders .
9 Many of the other member states agreed with the Commission that more should be done to ensure that that implementation goes ahead .
10 Work therefore needs to be done to ensure that administrative records are retained sensibly , since it would be impossible to preserve every piece of information for ever .
11 In these circumstances the creditor should be seeking to ensure that unfair advantage is not taken of the surety .
12 The merit of separate qualified defences is that they focus the evidence and the legal argument , giving the jury ( in contested cases ) an opportunity to assess the defence , and giving the judge fairly precise guidance on the basis for sentencing : this might be thought to ensure that each defendant is dealt with more fairly , but the risk of confusing the jury in a contested case might tend to erode that protection .
13 This elective can be used to ensure that those data with a value below that specified by elective 4 are mapped .
14 Ways must be found to ensure that all professionals involved in child abuse work are fully informed about the local arrangements for interprofessional co-operation , and are regularly kept up to date with new developments .
15 Mr Christie stressed that his appointment was of a temporary nature , saying that the agreement reached in the Court of Session last week had required a fifth ‘ independent ’ director to be appointed to ensure that all shareholding interests were properly represented .
16 Care should be taken to ensure that such guidelines are used only in appropriate cases .
17 Care should be taken to ensure that such guidelines are used only in appropriate cases .
18 The breaking and training process will need to be longer than usual and extra care must be taken to ensure that new lessons are clearly taught .
19 Great care will be taken to ensure that private study candidates will not be penalised because they come to the examinations in 1993/94 without advance warning of the changed expectation . ’
20 Furthermore if a blocking strain of mouse is used ( if the mice are outbred this is most likely to be the case ) then care must be taken to ensure that 2-cell stage embryos are recovered from the oviducts late enough in the second cell cycle to ensure their normal development to blastocysts in vitro .
21 Steps should be taken to ensure that Allied PW held in Russian Area are transferred to us in exchange at the same time .
22 This authorization made provision for the removal of one large , identifiable group of surrendered personnel from 5 Corps responsibility , although at the same time Robertson instructed that " steps should be taken to ensure that Allied PW held in Russian area are transferred to us in exchange " .
23 Steps must be taken to ensure that each decision is genuine , and adequate post-baptismal ( or post-conversion ) counsel and care must be provided to ensure a good environment for the nurturing of new life ( McQuilkin 1973 , 1974:48 ) .
24 If this is done , care must be taken to ensure that each slice receives its proper priority in order of payment , otherwise one party may take the lion 's share of the income at the expense of the other .
25 In organisations where employees sent on overseas postings are recommended by their managers , care needs to be taken to ensure that senior managers are not withholding recommendations for good candidates .
26 The client for whom the firm is acting should be clearly identified and care should be taken to ensure that third parties do not form the impression that the firm is advising them or acting for them when this is not the case .
27 The client for whom the firm is acting should be clearly identified and care should be taken to ensure that third parties do not form the impression that the firm is advising them or acting for them when this is not the case .
28 It is intended that care will be taken to ensure that important relics such as the wheels are retained .
29 Care must be taken to ensure that speed-reducing obstacles such as humps can be avoided by the cyclist , to whom they are irritating and dangerous .
30 This section of the policy covers the cost of emergency dental treatment and care must be taken to ensure that any claims received only relate to emergency treatment and not cosmetic ‘ treatment ’ , e.g. crowns , capping , etc .
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