Example sentences of "[be] [verb] at the [adj] stage " in BNC.

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1 The results of this research programme are disseminated at the pre-publication stage through a Discussion Paper series ; the success rate in placing these papers in academic journals is remarkably high .
2 The question of strengthening the defence identity of the Union will be decided at the final stage of the conference .
3 Nevertheless , the questions themselves , at this stage , will be the main focus , and also at this stage we might allow more questions to be included than are likely to be used at the final stage .
4 The Crown is amenable to declarations but a declaration can not be awarded at the interim stage of proceedings ; so the effect of the rule is that interim relief is not available in actions against the Crown in which the remedy sought is mandamus or a declaration .
5 Secondly , there were cases where after considering the whole hearing structure in its particular context a fair hearing might be required at the original stage and on appeal .
6 Computer People Group Plc saw lower profits for the year ending December 31 than were expected at the interim stage due to a drop in recruitment revenues in the UK and lower volume sales of consultancy services in the US .
7 The need to build on that which had already been achieved at the primary stage appeared to be still undervalued .
8 In pros mutants , this phase of gluR expression is indistinguishable from normal ( Fig. 2 ) ; functional gluRs are expressed at the correct stage and increase in density with the same time course as in normally innervated muscles .
9 In pros mutants lacking innervation of muscle 6 ( aneural muscle ) , functional gluRs are expressed at the correct stage ( 13.5h AEL ) and , initially , gluR density rapidly increases ( 14h AEL ) .
10 In aneural muscle , gluRs are expressed at the correct stage , but the increase of EJC amplitude associated both with gluR localization and , later , by the increase in gluR expression at the NMJ fail to occur .
11 Where notification is given at the first stage , but not in accordance with the procedures laid down for the first stage , you shall not be disentitled to SSP for that day for that reason only .
12 Tell the candidate what is happening at the next stage in the selection and/or the date when you will be letting people know your decision .
13 I think it is because he accepts what is said at the third stage , the eleven and twelve-year-olds , as giving the truth of the matter .
14 Usually the word is applied at the immature stage before the eye swells with rising sap , often changing colour a little — which helps to identify it on a leafless stem .
15 Thus eclecticism is avoided at the very stage in the process where it is most needed .
16 No audit opinion is required at the interim stage and the commissaires aux comptes and the auditors have neither carried out an audit nor given an audit opinion .
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