Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [art] wrong [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Against this background , Conservatives should say : too many prison sentences are given to the wrong people ( eg alcoholics ) ; prison regimes are too often wrong , with prisoners staying inside in relatively soft conditions for relatively long sentences ; too often violent criminals do not get sent to prison as they should ; for young thugs short spells are advocated in glasshouse-type detention centres with a very tough physical regime ( but good food ) ; otherwise there should be a greater emphasis on fines , representing a more humane and economical approach .
2 Later at the inquest ( which he did n't attend ) , he admitted through his lawyer that he may have been driving on the wrong side of the road .
3 But the C P R E's evidence does n't offer you anything to go on , save that the figures have been approached in the wrong way , cos they did n't start bottom up from the environment .
4 ‘ Then obviously I 've been looking for the wrong qualities in my secretaries . ’
5 The third time she saw it Allen was with her but he must have been looking in the wrong place , for he did n't see it although she did n't understand how that could be .
6 This suggests , once again , that comprehension experiments may have been looking in the wrong place for evidence of young children 's linguistic competence .
7 All those wankers obsessed with the shape of Ms Zeta Jones ' num-nums are looking at the wrong asset .
8 But perhaps we are looking in the wrong direction .
9 We may have many hundreds of clients accessing that database all passing over large pieces of code , and obviously this Four G L code is not a message-based protocol , it is in fact a language which we 're using in the wrong manner .
10 ‘ You 're living in the wrong country , that 's the trouble , ’ he said , grinning broadly as he spoke .
11 ‘ If you 're looking for a Messiah or a missionary , you 're looking at the wrong man , ’ says one of John Major 's close friends , irked by the relentless calls for leadership and vision .
12 Well if we 're looking in the wrong Emmy , if we 're looking at at general er spread-shot advertising , i we 're in a market which is much tougher than we we sometimes appreciate .
13 If you ca n't find the right staff , perhaps you 're looking in the wrong place .
14 And then they take their jackets off and rush down the road at five thousand miles an hour and when you say to them , but you 're going in the wrong direction .
15 We 're look at the wrong music
16 It does n't seem the slightest use having leadership if you 're leading in the wrong direction .
17 You 're not doing anything with your life because as usual you 're facing in the wrong direction and going the wrong way .
18 ‘ You do know , of course , that you 're pointing in the wrong direction , ’ Gabriel stated .
19 You 're playing in the wrong league with those Taigs . ’
20 You 're talking to the wrong man on this .
21 You , you 're talking to the wrong man on this , I 'm not in sympathy with you , you see .
22 The large proportion of the impressions made to what they see , how they visualize you , so if you look a mess you 're backing on the wrong foot , you give , you 're getting off to a bad start straight away and be aware of hidden signals that you 'll give your emanating .
23 The committal warrant was signed by the judge but the contemnor complained that , contrary to Ord. 29 , r. 1(5) of the County Court Rules 1981 , no copy of the committal order had been served on him and that in any event the order had been drawn on the wrong county court form .
24 But you can spare very much trouble because there are times when you can say to someone , ‘ At this point , you are going in the wrong direction . ’
25 Richard is often afraid we are staying in the wrong place , have chosen the wrong country for a holiday , are , in some way , missing something .
26 Many press releases are poorly written , irrelevant to the newspaper or journal to which they have been sent , often are mailed to the wrong person on a publication , and are incredibly boring .
27 Apparently , one out of every 16 signposts at crossroads in the region are pointing in the wrong direction .
28 When we got in touch with the Colonel a surprisingly easy task , the military communications network superbly efficient — it turned out we had been landed at the wrong port .
29 Some are based on a wrong premise : I remember a Labour one in 1979 which pre-supposed that the world would think Mrs Thatcher was a bogeywoman and said something like : ‘ The day you forgot to vote , Mrs Thatcher became the next prime minister . ’
30 Fiona : They are facing in the wrong direction .
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