Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] a reasonable [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , it is understandable that a landlord will wish to ensure that the tenant 's works are completed within a reasonable time .
2 They are usually very well made , and although there are always some relatively shoddy examples on the market , the vast majority are extremely durable ; provided they are treated with a reasonable degree of care , they will last for many years .
3 If the only or main reason for your being sacked was an ‘ economic , technical or organisational ’ one , entailing changes in the work-force — the vague Euro-jargon of the 1981 Regulations is a reminder that they were inspired by an EC Directive — your claim will not succeed if you have been treated in a reasonable manner .
4 If the act should have been foreseen by a reasonable man as likely , it would not break the chain of causation .
5 ‘ However , we are reasonable people and if we are approached with a reasonable alternative , we would be prepared to listen . ’
6 There was also a note to the effect that a suitable premises , with stock , had been offered at a reasonable price , in a similar location to her present premises .
7 The right to ask a court to fix the amount they have to pay for services or works on the grounds that these have not been provided to a reasonable standard or at a reasonable cost .
8 10.1 If either you or we are delayed or prevented from performing our obligations under this order , by circumstances beyond the reasonable control of either of us , ( including without limitation any form of government intervention , strikes and lock-outs relevant to this order , breakdown of plant or delays by sub-contractors concerned ) such performance shall be suspended , and if it can not be completed within a reasonable time after the due date as specified in this order , this order may be cancelled by either party .
9 If the load is to move a fixed distance then the high gear ratio requires the motor to move a large number of steps and for the load movement to be completed in a reasonable time the motor needs to attain a high stepping rate .
10 Although the Supreme Court had ruled that amendments should be ratified within a reasonable period in order to reflect a contemporaneous consensus — the time limit most usually accepted was seven years — no such restriction had applied at the time when the amendment was first sent to the states for consideration .
11 By analogy , therefore , where the refusal of planning permission makes it impossible for a defendant to comply with the terms of a nuisance order , this could be regarded as a reasonable excuse .
12 Presumably men of modest means would scarcely have qualified , but only 502 were worth £20 and upwards , and 406 had £40 or more , a figure that might be regarded as a reasonable minimum for a substantial businessman .
13 However , it is clear that , as discussed above , an express warranty is in the interests of both parties , so that , provided the guarantee grants what can be regarded as a reasonable remedy under the particular circumstances of the contract , no problems under s 3 of the UCTA should arise .
14 That must be done within a reasonable period .
15 Similar rules apply to contracts for the supply of services ( Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 ( SGSA 1982 ) , s15 ( implied term that the customer will pay a reasonable charge ) and s14 ( implied term that the service will be performed within a reasonable time ) ) .
16 The second test , favoured by the minority , was that the goods would be merchantable if they could be used by a reasonable buyer for at least one of their normal purposes .
17 Converted whisky barrels like these can be bought at a reasonable price in most parts of the country .
18 If no date is specified the court would probably conclude that it was to be exercised within a reasonable period ending on the last day for exercise ( Multon v Cordell [ 1986 ] 1 EGLR 44 ) .
19 For example , where a party to a contract has a power or discretion , and this affects the rights of other parties , a term is frequently implied that the power will be exercised in a reasonable manner , or at any rate not arbitrarily or capriciously .
20 Flows may well be exogenous as they are likely to be known with a reasonable degree of uncertainty given the contractual nature of many savings policies .
21 The Bank states that there is no attempt to undermine existing agreement and that its proposals can be viewed as a reasonable basis to provide permanent employment for all members in the long term temporary staff category .
22 Indeed , strictly , agreement is not necessary on price or delivery date : if no price is agreed , it will be implied that the buyer of goods will pay a reasonable price ( Sale of Goods Act 1979 ( SGA 1979 ) , s8(2) ) and , if no date is agreed for delivery of the goods , that they will be delivered within a reasonable time , and at a reasonable hour ( SGA 1979 , s29(3) , ( 5 ) ; strictly s29(3) only applies where the seller is bound to send the goods to the buyer , but a similar , more general rule applies at common law : see below Chapter 7 ) .
23 However , the importance of the semantic analyser relative to the other modules constitutes a narrower issue and one that can be investigated in a reasonable period of time .
24 If fat loss is at a relatively slow , steady , controlled pace and if moderate exercise is taken , metabolic rate can be kept at a reasonable level ; it might even increase , and you will be fitter , too .
25 Whether or not you will be asked to pay for your course remains at the discretion of course organisers and managers , therefore , and I am unable to give any hard and fast guidance here , other than to say that they will have to be kept at a reasonable level to be affordable , particularly by those who have been unemployed or bringing up a family .
26 Many elements of the Exchequer transactions total can be predicted with a reasonable degree of accuracy by the Bank of England on a day-to-day basis : the impact of foreign exchange transactions passing through the EEA is generally known since most such transactions are settled two days later ; gilts transactions are generally settled on the next business day ; and various government sources give information on both government expenditure and expected tax receipts .
27 Finance can be available from the Housing Corporation , building societies and local authorities , from whom land can also sometimes be acquired at a reasonable price if councils want to dispose of some building land unwanted because of reductions in their own building programmes — perhaps at prices below market value if restrictions on resale are accepted .
28 The coach house has been converted at a reasonable sum drawn from the annual budget .
29 We hope that the Government will listen reasonably to them , because they have been tabled in a reasonable frame of mind and do not make party political points .
30 As mental health charity MIND produced a report criticising ‘ continued over-reliance on hospital treatment ’ , King said : ‘ It looks as if hospitals are being replaced at a reasonable pace . ’
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